Las Vegas

Paul had a conference in Vegas so we all went with.

We stayed in the Trump hotel because of Eli. The Trump is a gambling free, smoke free hotel. We all LOVED it. At the end of the day it was nice to go to a REAL smoke free room. Not those rooms that say they are smoke free, but still smell the smoke.

We went to the Venetian for dinner. Not bad. I wouldn’t go back. I actually wouldn’t go back to any of the dinners we ate in Vegas. They all were over priced and started to taste the same.

Me and my little boy.

Eli loves his dad.

The hotels were decorated for Christmas. All the twinkling lights really lite up the hotels making it a fun walk through the long hotels.

Nascar was in town. They come every year for their the end of the season celebration.

One of the vendors gave Eli a little nascar car. He loved it and kept him in the stroller which was a win for me.

Always something to see in Vegas. Like a huge wall of water.

One night we saw Mickey Mouse. Eli couldn’t control his laughter. He was so excited to see him in person! I guess it’s time to go do Disneyland .

We went to the pool daily. It was a heated pool with a nice hot tub.

It was so nice to have a few hours a day of downtime.

Eli loves to be with mormor.

Eli found a nice chair to relax.

We went shopping every day.

Look where Eli put his shoes 🙂

We watched the Nascar drivers do burnouts in the intersection.

I didn’t know how fun a burnout was going to be. Could watching a car spin around as fast as they can and make as much smoke as they can be entertaining? It actually was a lot of fun to watch and really loud.

Enjoying the water shows at night.

Every morning it was breakfast in bed. Eli better not get used to this.

One of the hotels had a huge aquarium. The stingrays would come up to the glass and watch us.

Eli thought the fish were fun and scary.