The faith of a child

This morning the garage door wouldn’t open.   Trouble shooting, we found a broken spring.

Paul worked pretty hard at trying to open the garage door so we could leave for school.  As Paul was getting wood boards, to help with leverage to pry the door open, Eli told Paul he needed Heavenly Fathers help with this!

He ran the other side of the garage and said his little prayer, asking for help to open the door.  As soon as his prayer was done, Paul was able to lift the garage enough to get the boards under the door and the door up.

Eli was ecstatic and ran inside to tell me that Heavenly Father helped Dad open the garage door!

With $400 new springs.

A guy to install them.

The faith of a little four year old.

We were able to get the door open.

We are so happy Eli knows he can ask Heavenly Father for help!