Area manager gets stuck

Went for a long run today. Well, if you call it a long run.

I don’t know how I’m going to be ready for these marathons this year. My foot just isn’t cooperating.

I had to go to one of the stores to get a few things done today. It’s a good thing I did. 🙂

Just before I left I received a phone call from my area manager. He said he was locked in the bathroom. I told him to unlock the door 🙂 He said he tried that, but the door still wouldn’t open. So I walked down the hall and tried pulling on the knob. Yup. Stuck.

My dad didn’t believe me that it was stuck 🙂

It’s a good thing my parents came to the store with me. My dad had his toolbox with him. He doesn’t go to any of the stores without it.

He removed the door knob.

“Hi, Dylan!”

Well, I thought it was funny.

My Morfar

My Morfar passed this week so we went down to his house to clean it out.

Eli had fun on the Dolly moving furniture down to the trucks.

He also had fun with (his) morfar moving furniture. Waiting for the elevator.

While cleaning out stuff, I found a picture of bestemor. My morfar’s mother. It’s been many years, but I remember her.

That weekend was the funeral. Ferelyn and her family drove in. Always fun to see them! Mormor with her grandchildren. My parents love it when the family comes together.

Seth and his wooden tie. Reminds me I need to make one for Eli.

Can’t have a Norwegian party with out marzipan cake! It was delicious.

During the funeral, many stories were told of Morfar. One story was he always sung a jingle when someone came over to the house. I remember as a kid morfar singing this to us as we walked through the door and. So at the end of the viewing we all sang the jingle. I didn’t get it on camera so we had to do our own.

Ha det morfar. Good bye morfar.

Crazy cold today

I know it’s only March, but it’s freezing out!

After dropping Eli off at school, this is where I have been all morning. In front of the fire.

It’s so cold, I don’t want to get out and run. The basement is so cold and dark, I don’t want to run on the treadmill either!

So, I guess I take advantage of the cold, sit in front of the fire, get work done while watching Netflix 🙂