Getting ready for the small beehive

Paul has been talking about getting bees for a while now. Worried about our small backyard and having a beehive so close to Eli’s sandbox, Paul decided to get two beehives. One large hive that will go in his parent’s yard and a small hive to go in our yard.

After researching the hive he wanted he finally purchased it and has been waiting for the snow to melt to get things ready.

This beehive will be mounted on a pole. So they dug the hole, positioned the pole, and poured in the cement.

My boys are having fun!

Lots a lot of work ahead to prepare the beehives for the bees arrival. Apparently the weather is still too cold for them. The weather needs to be around 60′ and it’s still in the 50’s. Hopefully we will get the bees the first part of May.

Eli’s 4th Anniversary

Today is Eli’s anniversary of being sealed to us in the temple. It’s been four years, but I still get emotional every time I think about it.

Today was a VERY wet day. It didn’t just rain, it poured! We went to two stores to get ready for our picnic and every time we got out of the store to head to the car it poured rain. We were soaked when we got to the car.

We stopped off at the Sweet Tooth Fairy for cupcakes. Just as we left the store, it started raining so we ran to the car. As we ran up the stairs, I slipped and fell. My elbow hit the cement and my hand landed in the cupcakes. 🙂

We packed a fun lunch of chicken and apple croissant sandwiches and the standard picnic potato salad. With only a few items I couldn’t figure out why the basket was so heavy. When I opened it, this is what I found… Eli packed his cars and trucks. 🙂

I love this little boy!

Off to the Oquirrh Temple. We were having fun taking MANY selfies of the three of us and trying to get Eli to smile normal.

Many pictures like this. 🙂

After having fun with selfies and trying to get the three of us, Eli to smile properly, AND get the temple, a couple offered to take our picture. Eli didn’t want anyone to take his picture.

We enjoyed walking around the temple grounds looking at all the flowers. It’s the end of the tulip season, but they were still so beautiful.

Had fun in the fountain.

With the thousands of adoptive parents and only a hundred children to adopt, it’s still amazing to me that we found our son. Our birth mother read many profiles and at the end it was between us and other couple. I’m so blessed she picked us to be Eli’s parents!

My cute little boy. He is always laughing and goofing off!

We set up chairs for our picnic.

He opened his gift.

We started to eat, and the thunder rolled in. Moments later…

Pouring again. So we finished our picnic in the car.

Our sad cupcakes.


Love you little pea.

Just another day

We did our usual school work in the morning. Reading, math, and writing.

I asked Eli to write his 3’s and left to put laundry away. When I came back, Eli told me the monster ate his 3’s 🙂

We left to one of the stores to help out our employees with a large catering order. I told the missionaries I would cater their lunch today. We always cater sandwiches, chips, and cookies to the new missionaries that have rotated into our stake. I didn’t take pictures of us 🙂 But my parents were there helping us out. We always love to do this for our missionaries!

We stopped in a the IFA to see the new chicks.

Note the Ameraucana’s Personality: Sweet, trusting, fun.

Note the Brown Leghorn’s personality: Active and intelligent.

Note the Fast White Broiler’s personality: Hungry.

Ha! I guess Eli and I come from the Fast White Broiler family because we are always hungry!!