Feeding the bees

Paul checked on the bees a few days ago and the bees drank the bags dry so he had to put a few more bags in the hive.

Due to the bees eating so much, we decided to remove the bags and install a bee feeder.

We filled the bottom part of the feeder with sugar water.

Snap on the top to the bottom. The bees walk down those tubes to the water, eat and walk back up.

Out to the pasture we went.

Like all great parents do, we brought our 4 year old to the hive. You know, to heighten the danger-factor. So I dressed him up in the bee gear.

He of course is not afraid of bees. He doesn’t understand they sting and he doesn’t understand what a sting is.

We opened the hive, removed a row of frames and installed the bee feeder.

The bees are busy!

We have to feed the bees for a few more weeks until the flowers around them bloom and start to produce pollen and nectar.

Only a few minutes of the feeder being in the hive, several bees found it so I think the feeder will be a success.