Spending time with family

We love every minute when Ferelyn comes out with her family. We try to pack everything we can in only a few days.

Eli loved having his cousins over for a few days a well.

We did a lot of shopping

We went to the zoo.

We went out to breakfast at Ruths diner.

We ate a lot of dinners together. Yes, Paul and I ended up at the kids table… A lot. We didn’t mind.

Went out to lunch every day.

Rin wanted me to take her picture. Never a dull moment with Eli.

Always a fun time with family.

Timpanogos half marathon

Well, the second marathon has arrived. Ferelyn and her kids came out for the race.

We arrived at the buses at 4:00am. It started to rain 🙂

We made it to the start line at 5:00am. We grabbed space blankets and tried to keep warm. It poured rain for about 1/2 hour.

In our rain gear ready to go! We couldn’t decide if we should drop our rain coats or not. The clouds were looking like it wanted to rain again so we made the decision to run with them on. I also ran in a long sleeve shirt because of the cold.

I’m definitely going to run this next year. It was so cold up top, I will bring my rain jacket and drop it before the race starts. I will also run in a short sleeved shirt as well. Just like the Heber half, it got hot after leaving the canyon.

It was a very beautiful race. Not as steep as the Heber half.

Ferelyn running backward trying to keep me running. She is a strong runner. I strive to be her while I train.

Fun trail.

At the finish line!

I finished 2:19. Again, the 7 miles of hills helped my time.

It was a fabulous race and I will be doing it next year. I just hope Ferelyn runs next year with me. I think that was why it was so fun.

The small hive gets a second floor

The hive in our yard is growing. The queen is there and making her brood and her worker bees are doing a great job building up the hive.

Little hive is growing. The queen is making brood and we have lots of baby bees. Time to expand.

The little hive with a second box.

The rose of sharon bushes are in full bloom and their flowers are looking good.

I’m sure the bees are loving them.

Oakley Rodeo

The last day of our min vacation.

Breakfast: Eggs, hashbrowns, fruit, and strawberries with clotted cream. Mmmm..very tasty!

We didn’t do anything today except eat 🙂 and watch movies.

That evening we went to the rodeo. We sat on the front row. So much fun!

See how close we were!

Eli had a LOT of fun!

Eli had a lot of fun at the rodeo. We will definitely be back next year.


We continue our mini vacation to Rockport.

We stayed in Riverside campgound. And we will never stay here again. Why??

We thought we were staying in the campground across the lake. Nope.

Further to the dam.


Yup. That is where we stayed. In the dust bowl. Windy, dusty, windy, and windy.

Oh, and the name and description of the campground, riverside? Yeah, that was code for spillway that leads to a river.

Why not go fishing? We are camped here.

While Paul and Eli did a little fishing…

I enjoyed my lunch.

I sure love my little boy.

Strawberry Reservoir

Strawberry reservoir is one of our favorite places to fish. I think it’s because last year, Paul fished out a kokanee salmon and we cooked it up that evening. The best salmon we have ever had.

Enjoying the blue water and clear skies. The last time we were here the Dollar Ridge fire started. The campgroun was only a few miles away from the blaze.

This was last year. We watched the helicopters come and go dipping their buckets in the lake and pouring water over the fire.

The fire department stayed in the same campground with us. Made us feel a little safer 🙂

We enjoyed a relaxing trip on the boat.

We did a little fishing.

We did a little hiking.

We did a LOT of eating 🙂 We are really enjoying our few days off and being together as a family.