Beeswax experiment

Albert from Eco Bee Box gave us a frame with three layers of wax. A normal honeycomb that is built by bees only have 1 layer.

Albert wanted to know if the bees would dismantle this frame of “broken” wax and rebuild the wax elsewhere in the hive on other frames.

We decided this would be a great experiment for the large beehive.

The purpose of this experiment is to give bees wax so they don’t have to waste their time and energy on making wax. This will be good for a smaller hive to build up quicker by letting the bees concentrate on making honey and taking care of their brood, instead of making wax.

This is a close up of the three broken layers.

This is how I dress 🙂 I’m so going to get stung one of these days.

What does a 4 year old do to keep busy?

Soaking himself!

I am getting brave. I touched a few bees!

Putting the experimental frame in the hive.

We will give if a few days and see what the bees do!

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