Cooking Class

It’s a good thing I went running this morning…

Because Paul and I took a cooking class today and we ate a LOT.

Paul and I frequent an Italian restaurant, Siragusa’s. Every time we go we kept saying we would like to take a cooking class from them, because they have delicious food!

This is the owner and chef of Siragusa’s.

Paul talked to him and asked him if he would make cannoli for dessert. He said he would, so we immediately signed up for the class.

This is so delicious. With all the recipes I have found and tried, this one has different ingredients and wouldn’t have thought about putting them together. Nope. Not sharing the recipe 🙂 I will bring it to family functions and social gatherings and have the best dessert there!

Monday Lunch

Today’s lunch we drove to Ogden and went to Brixton’s. It’s a baked potato place. You name it, it’s on a potato.

Eli enjoying the view while eating lunch.

I had a veggie potato. Lots of cheese, broccoli, carrots, and corn. Very tasty!

Aaron did’t want a potato. He went with a breakfast sandwich. Egg and bacon.

After lunch we went to Topper bakery. A little sketchy neighborhood 🙂 We were in and out quite quickly. We have been here before and that is why we have been back. Their mint brownies are wonderful! We tried their donut holes this time. They were so good, not one made it home for Paul to try.

This was a fantastic Monday lunch!

Hardware Ranch

Every year we go to Hardware Ranch to see the elk.

We ride on sleighs pulled by clydesdale horses. They take us around through a field of hundreds of elk enjoying themselves grazing on hay.

Very quiet and peaceful.

Beautiful bull elk.

On our drive home we always stop off at Maddox for a coconut cream pie. I can only have coconut cream pies from this restaurant. They know how to make them!