2020 Pandemic – May

How is the pandemic affecting us? Paul is still working from home. Eli goes with him on Fridays. Eli goes to school 2 days a week, and I’m home with him the other two days.

May 1. A few things are still a hit or miss at Sam’s. A lot has been stocked and almost back to normal.

May 4. Monday lunches are still at my house.

May 11. Monday lunch at my house. We don’t social distance very well…. okay, we haven’t social distanced since the first of April.

What has changed at the store? As of May first all fast food must wear a mask. I still feed the missionaries. Customers are allowed to dine in again, but every other table. Sales have been increasing, but not to where they have been or should be.

Other than that, things have been calming down. Still wondering how long this will last. Everyone can’t stay home for too long, right?

Eli’s First Kindergarten graduation :)

Look at that smile. He was thrilled to be dressed up in his cap and gown! My little Pea graduated from Kindergarten! Well, his first Kindergarten 🙂 Like I have said before, he really is supposed to be in Preschool, but he was acting out EVERY. DAY! And I was getting phone calls EVERY. DAY. We had to do something, SO finally the school and his teacher worked on ways to keep Eli engaged. They bumped him up to Kindergarten and he did fantastic! The bump up in grades helped until the middle of the year…

First day of school/ graduation

He started acting out again! His teacher started teaching him 1st grade reading and that helped a lot. Throughout the year to keep him engaged, with every assignment his teacher had him read the instructions to the class. 🙂 At the end of the year in reading groups, Eli was at the top of the group and reading 2nd grade reading books!

Mrs. Nichole has been wonderful with Eli throughout the year, I can’t thank her enough. She found ways to teach him accelerated lessons and teach the other Kindergartners their lesson at the same time.

Due to his age, I officially enrolled him into Kindergarten for next year 🙂 The school we choose is an accelerated charter school, so I think this school will be a good fit for him. He went to his placement testing and he placed almost into 1st grade. They were really impressed with him. The school said they want to keep him accelerated with his academics and they will walk down first grade curriculum to him when needed. They were also impressed with this math testing as well, he got EVERY math problem correct!

Congratulations little Pea!!

Mother’s day

Mother’s day is always an emotional day for me. Many years I wanted to be a mother and many years after that our birth mother emailed us asking us to be parents of her little baby. That was five years ago, but I remember it VERY well.

My day started out with french toast, berries, real cream, and Kneaders brown sugar syrup. Like my goblet with orange juice? Eli picked that out for my Christmas gift. I love it!

This year my little Pea drew me a picture. He said it is a picture of a castle and a tall, tall flower. 🙂 The flower is the same flower we were cutting out of paper the other day to decorate his door. He remembered !

I truly love it!!

Since church has been cancelled, and we are doing home church, I was wondering ALL morning about my bunt cake. Every year our ward gives out bunt cakes to each sister on mother’s day. This year even with church being cancelled, they didn’t disappoint. One was left on our porch. Did I share? Nope, I ate every bite.

Paul made us dinner. He grilled salmon and topped with a honey mustard sauce. He made coconut rice out of jasmine rice. The salad was an apple, pear, and cranberry salad. He is a really good cook!

This was one of the best mothers day!