2020 Pandemic – October

Well, the pandemic is still here!

How has the pandemic effected our lives during the month of October?

Paul is still working from home, which is is still soooo great! I’m getting used to eating lunches with him and will really miss them when this is all over.

Eli’s school is still open full time. All of the public schools have either gone online learning or hybrid learning. All my employees are hybrid so they go into the school 2 days a week and alternate with the other half of the school the other two days.

With having a crazy schedule of not knowing if employees show up to work, I have to have Eli in school full time. We are very thankful Eli’s school has taken precautions and have remained open.

What has effected the stores? The sales are still down, but manageable. I think the sales will remain at this percentage till next year. Our biggest struggle is the public wants drive thru, and we are not a drive thru store, hallelujah! We sold off our drive thru store and will NEVER own another one. I offer curbside, but they don’t want that, they want drive thru.

What is great, is my high school employees are hybrid so they can work during the day, which has been wonderful! It has been extremely nice to have a selection of employees who can work during the day. Finding day help is hard, and not just during this pandemic, but every year for the last few years.

We have been keeping busy with playing games. Eli is hooked on pie in the face. And yes, Paul and I have been behind the hand… 🙂

Hiking trails we frequent are now closed. The state has started shutting down popular trails and we are very disappointed on this one. Every fall we look forward to hiking up to the hot springs and look at all the beautiful changing leaves. We will have to wait till next year.

In March I told Paul I wasn’t going to join the world in mask making, but here I am! Making masks! So, why not make them cute?

Church: We are going into the building every other week for 45 minutes. The other weeks they broadcast it and we watch in our living room.

Back during the crazy panic shopping, we needed milk. I drink skim milk, but wasn’t too picky that week and would have picked up any % of milk I could find. Okay, whole? I would have passed on whole and would have had water for the week. The only milk I could find was chocolate milk. I haven’t had chocolate milk in a long time, so I wasn’t complaining on having to drink chocolate milk for the week! I mean we are experiencing a pandemic. We need to make some changes and sacrifices, right? So, I picked up a gallon. It was so delicious! The next week they had skim milk, so I picked up a gallon of skim and chocolate. I have done this every week since March.

It’s the end of October, I’m still picking up chocolate milk and I’m so addicted to it. It’s now a staple in our house 🙂 Unable to keep up with the calories I needed to start rationing myself, so I purchased these little glasses to keep my portions smaller. Paul laughs every night when I pour my ounce for the evening, but it works!

Happy Halloween

Eli was pretty excited for this day to come! We went to the pumpkin patch a few days ago and picked up a pumpkin. That pumpkin has been sitting on the front porch just waiting to be carved by a little 6 year old!

And today it finally happened! Eli drew out his plans of what he was going to carve on a piece of paper. He then drew it on the pumpkin, and off he went carving! So pleased with his planning skills. Haha!

Pretty good!

Off to parents houses. What did he want to be this year? Cat boy. The same as last year. I’m not too sad about it. I’m not one to spend money or time on a costume that will be worn for 2 hours.

Next stop, my parents house. Eli was really excited. He has been hearing about what dad and Aaron have been working on for the last couple of weeks.

To keep the social distancing theme this year going, they made a candy cannon. Powered by air, it shoots the treats to the kids.

The cannon was a success! The goal was for the cannon to shoot 6 feet. It went 6 feet and then some.

Prepared with ammunition -treats, they didn’t get a lot of kids this year. About 15 kids for the night. Pretty drastic considering they usually get around 120 trick or treaters.

Without kids to shoot candy to, we had fun with the gun. We kept powering up the poundage to see how far we could shoot the treats.

We had a fun time with the cannon and we decided to head home.

That evening we had a few kids come to the door. I didn’t get pictures or video, but Eli was really cute. I told him to give each kid a huge handful of treats, because I didn’t want any left overs. He did what I had asked, except for one kid. He took almost the whole bag and dumped it into this kids bucket.

After he left, I asked him why he didn’t follow my instructions of just a handful. He then taught me a lesson. He said, “that kid didn’t have as much candy in his bucket as all the other kids had. I wanted him to have as many as everyone else, so I gave him more.”

Thank you, little Pea for teaching me to think of others. You noticed what that child needed and you made him feel better by giving him more treats. Thank you for always putting others first and doing acts of kindness to everyone. Love you little, Pea.

10 Mile Hike

For many years Paul has wanted to hike the 10 mile hike from Crystal Lake to Middle Fork. We thought now would be a good time to do it, because it just cooled off and in the next few weeks winter will be here. We made arrangements for Paul’s parents to watch Eli for the day and meet us at the bottom of Middle Fork that evening to pick us up.

First stop. Donuts. There is a gas station in Kamas that bakes their own donuts. These come out hot and fresh. The best donuts I have had in a while. HUGE as well. The cream cheese pastry was good, but the cinnamon roll with cream cheese icing was my favorite. Yes, I ate them both. I have to have energy to hike 10 miles, right? 🙂

32′ this morning. Not too cold. Perfect temperature for a full day of hiking. I hiked with a long sleeve waffle shirt, flannel, and light jacket. I had a half face neck thing and thin winter knit gloves I used for a little while in the morning, but other that that I stayed warm. I was quite happy. I wore more than I needed, because I would rather be too hot and remove layers, than to be cold all day.

Started out at Crystal Lake. We followed the trail to long lake loop. Which I have to mention is NOT a loop. I have that documented last year when we carried our 50lb 5 year old back out 2 miles.

Starting out. For the first mile, we passed a couple overnight tents, two fisherman, and 2 hunters coming down with their horse. After that, we were alone for the rest of the hike.

We followed the trail almost to Long lake and then turned to the right and followed a trail, but it wasn’t as well marked as the main trail.

Looking out at Long lake.

We stopped for a quick break at a pond with no name 🙂

We tried liquid I.V. I’m planning on using this for my next marathon so I thought now was a great time to try it out. This mix is supposed to hydrate 3x the hydration as water. I think it worked, but the flavor wasn’t my favorite. I had to force myself to drink it. When I want water, I just want the taste of water. I want to try this again, but I will put it in lemon lime gatorade to see if that will hide the taste.

Further along the trail was marked with cairns. We had to look for these to stay on the trail.

Found a great river down there.

Lots of river beds and streams.

Came to a rocky terrain.

Mud bogs. Perfect location for deer hunting. Paul was scouting our several locations for next year’s hunt. We were so far in, good luck getting the deer back out 🙂

We stopped for lunch. Paul pumped water.

Paul set up the solo stove and started boiling the water.

Paul wasn’t too happy with me wanting to bring the stove and pasta. With hiking 10 miles and being a little chilly, I really wanted something warm and filling, not just a cold sandwich and snacks. We tried pasta primavera. It smelled wonderful as it was hydrating.

We may have added too much water and it was pasta primavera soup 🙂 It was still good. We were both so hungry, we ate this and our sandwiches.

A little rest.

After lunch, the trail we were following became faint to not a trail at all. Every once in a while we would find the trail and other times, it looked like this. Can you spot the trail? Neither could we. See the green marker? that was an indicator that was part of the trail so we went in that direction.

Further down we stopped seeing cairns and the green makers, but started to see blue flags. So we started following those 🙂

Soon we lost the trail and all markers. We started bushwhacking through the forest. We climbed over logs and boulders. We did this for two miles.

About an hour of hard hiking, we heard rushing water and we came upon this!

Beautiful cliffs and a hidden river.

I wanted to track the miles and see how many miles we hiked, but my watch gave out. So I know we hiked 6.46 miles. I think for prime day there will be a new watch in my amazon cart 🙂

This river was the highlight of the hike. So spectacular we forgot about all the scrapes on our legs…ok my legs. I was pushing myself through the thick foliage and I had several sticker bushes come through my pants, sticks scaping my legs, it was pretty hard hiking. I really wanted to find the trail!

We were lost!

As we were walking, we were discussing if we should be noisy to notify a bear or be quiet to see a deer or a moose? We were noisy and the only animals we saw were pine hens.

Even though we didn’t see wildlife, we saw evidence of wildlife. We saw this raking tree. Elk and deer rub their antlers on trees to scrape the velvet off their antlers.

And what animal ate this? A moose! That was fun to see.

As we were meandering around the forest, every once in a while we would come across trees with two markings. Another trail marking. We followed these when we saw them.

FINALLY, we came out to the meadow! We were so excited to see this place. We only had another mile to the bottom.

And we had a trail! A glorious trail!

Does this look familiar? This is where we set up camp a few months ago when we went back packing.

Paul took 10 miles of video and pictures. I didn’t know how to include them, but to put them in one video.

The last 5 seconds is my favorite! 🙂

This was one of the best hikes we have been on. Will I hike it again? Absolutely.

Dry Camping at…?

At the last moment we decided to go camping. Where did we go? I don’t know. All that I know is it was a beautiful drive.

We were late with the leaves by a week.

But it was still a nice drive up.

We ran into these ladies. They are on their way down for the winter.

This is camp for the weekend. Coming up the canyon wasn’t my favorite. It was steep and narrow and I will never pull the trailer up it again. I found out that I’m familiar with this canyon and have been up here many times, but the other side of it. We will be going home that way.

The following morning we went out for a hike.

We picked a mountain and went up it. To the top!

Eli loved it. He is pointing to the next mountain top he wants to hike to tomorrow.

We found many acorns with “hats” during our weekend.

We spent the afternoons reading books.

The evenings we played games.

As we were packing up I heard, and then felt 🙂 a large crash. The trailer fell! One leg fell, then the other leg! The motor gave out and we didn’t have anyway to get the trailer onto the truck.

We got in the truck to head home to get jacks. That would mean we would be driving all day. We would have to leave the trailer and come back the next morning. Paul had an idea to contact his father through the ham radio to save some time.

I’m so glad there are nice people out there willing to help. Paul’s parents arrived at dusk. Paul and his dad had just a few hours to jack up the trailer and hook it to the truck before they lost daylight.

Eli didn’t waste any time with playing in the dirt. 🙂

I didn’t take pictures of the trailer balancing on blocks of wood on top of jacks, but Paul and his father got it up.

We jumped in the truck and started heading out in the dark. We were heading down and deer hunters were coming up. A long line of trailers!

The canyon road was so narrow, we are still unsure how we passed without being hit or the other trailers going off the road! We are blessed to get home safely.

Eli’s Birthday Month, Part 2

Happy birthday little Pea! Again!

The official party. Eli helped with the decorations. And yes, that is a Christmas wreath on the back door. It missed the Christmas tote in January when we put everything away. Yes, I didn’t have any motivation to put it downstairs the ENTIRE year. We only have 2 more months and it will fit in with the other Christmas decorations. 🙂

We didn’t go crazy on the balloons this year. Only one arch instead of two.

Where do you put those crazy pea in the pod balloons?

Eli did a fantastic job on decorating.

Every hour he kept asking when his party will be starting. So instead of asking every 10 minutes, he said he was going to wait in the entry way for his guests to arrive.


We ate dinner.

What was on the menu? Eli’s favorite dinner: Butternut squash soup. Pear, feta, and pecan salad with a tasty pear sauce. Homemade crusty bread with honey from our bees!

Eli is into kittens and really wants one of his own. This will be the only cat that comes into this house. Sorry, little Pea. He picked out his piñata and it was a kitty!

Cleaning up the piñata.

Time for presents. He loved everything!

I don’t have anything to say about this… 🙂

Paul and I have been waiting for weeks to give him his remote control cars. He got two for his birthday, because we get to play with him! I don’t know who was more excited to the cars. Paul or Eli. Paul was REALLY excited to play with the one that twists and bends.

He also got this for his birthday. He loves to climb. This was a perfect gift!!

Ferelyn and her family zoomed for the birthday song. Look at their cake they cut. Too cute!

Eli was really excited to have them be a part of his party.

He said Gage cracks him up.

Happy birthday!

After cake, everyone played with the remote control cars. Aaron and Bryan had a lot of fun. 🙂

Eli had a wonderful birthday and birthday month!

Eli’s Birthday Month, Part One.

In this house we have birthday months. We celebrate ALL month long. This is just a few days of his birthday month.

We started out everyday playing video games.

One day after school, we stopped off at Handels for some ice cream.

Eli’s favorite. Strawberry ice cream. This was a special day so he chose a cone with chocolate and of course sprinkles.

Paul and I split a hot apple dumpling with ice cream and whipped cream.

On his official birthday we picked up a birthday cookie. This is the first cookie I have done and didn’t know what to expect. When I called a few days ago to order it, I told them it’s for a 6 year old boy and to do what they want on it.

They did a FABULOUS job! I couldn’t have designed one better. When Eli saw it, I got a, “you’re the best mom ever!” That’s a win for me!

That afternoon we went to Airborne. An indoor jumping place.

Trampolines everywhere. Just what a 6 year old would love. Okay, we loved it too!

Lots of stuff to do here. Obstacles in the sky!

The other side of the building had these blocks to jump into. It was scary at first to run and have the faith that these foam blocks would catch your fall and not get hurt.

Eli had to go on the swing. He did a fabulous swing and dismount!

Look at that face. He was having so much fun.

This made me laugh. Paul lined up with all the other kids 🙂

Since Eli and Paul went, I had to jump as well. It was scary! It took a while for me to jump. It was only 5 feet off the ground, but it was SO scary!

After jumping we were ready for dinner. Eli chose to go to Chubby’s. A regular fast food place with mac and cheese. Not kraft! Good mac and cheese. Eli’s favorite. We had to get peach crisp with ice cream for dessert!

Eli had a great birthday “day”, but is really excited for this weekend for birthday party with family.