Eli’s Birthday Month, Part One.

In this house we have birthday months. We celebrate ALL month long. This is just a few days of his birthday month.

We started out everyday playing video games.

One day after school, we stopped off at Handels for some ice cream.

Eli’s favorite. Strawberry ice cream. This was a special day so he chose a cone with chocolate and of course sprinkles.

Paul and I split a hot apple dumpling with ice cream and whipped cream.

On his official birthday we picked up a birthday cookie. This is the first cookie I have done and didn’t know what to expect. When I called a few days ago to order it, I told them it’s for a 6 year old boy and to do what they want on it.

They did a FABULOUS job! I couldn’t have designed one better. When Eli saw it, I got a, “you’re the best mom ever!” That’s a win for me!

That afternoon we went to Airborne. An indoor jumping place.

Trampolines everywhere. Just what a 6 year old would love. Okay, we loved it too!

Lots of stuff to do here. Obstacles in the sky!

The other side of the building had these blocks to jump into. It was scary at first to run and have the faith that these foam blocks would catch your fall and not get hurt.

Eli had to go on the swing. He did a fabulous swing and dismount!

Look at that face. He was having so much fun.

This made me laugh. Paul lined up with all the other kids 🙂

Since Eli and Paul went, I had to jump as well. It was scary! It took a while for me to jump. It was only 5 feet off the ground, but it was SO scary!

After jumping we were ready for dinner. Eli chose to go to Chubby’s. A regular fast food place with mac and cheese. Not kraft! Good mac and cheese. Eli’s favorite. We had to get peach crisp with ice cream for dessert!

Eli had a great birthday “day”, but is really excited for this weekend for birthday party with family.

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