2020 Pandemic – October

Well, the pandemic is still here!

How has the pandemic effected our lives during the month of October?

Paul is still working from home, which is is still soooo great! I’m getting used to eating lunches with him and will really miss them when this is all over.

Eli’s school is still open full time. All of the public schools have either gone online learning or hybrid learning. All my employees are hybrid so they go into the school 2 days a week and alternate with the other half of the school the other two days.

With having a crazy schedule of not knowing if employees show up to work, I have to have Eli in school full time. We are very thankful Eli’s school has taken precautions and have remained open.

What has effected the stores? The sales are still down, but manageable. I think the sales will remain at this percentage till next year. Our biggest struggle is the public wants drive thru, and we are not a drive thru store, hallelujah! We sold off our drive thru store and will NEVER own another one. I offer curbside, but they don’t want that, they want drive thru.

What is great, is my high school employees are hybrid so they can work during the day, which has been wonderful! It has been extremely nice to have a selection of employees who can work during the day. Finding day help is hard, and not just during this pandemic, but every year for the last few years.

We have been keeping busy with playing games. Eli is hooked on pie in the face. And yes, Paul and I have been behind the hand… 🙂

Hiking trails we frequent are now closed. The state has started shutting down popular trails and we are very disappointed on this one. Every fall we look forward to hiking up to the hot springs and look at all the beautiful changing leaves. We will have to wait till next year.

In March I told Paul I wasn’t going to join the world in mask making, but here I am! Making masks! So, why not make them cute?

Church: We are going into the building every other week for 45 minutes. The other weeks they broadcast it and we watch in our living room.

Back during the crazy panic shopping, we needed milk. I drink skim milk, but wasn’t too picky that week and would have picked up any % of milk I could find. Okay, whole? I would have passed on whole and would have had water for the week. The only milk I could find was chocolate milk. I haven’t had chocolate milk in a long time, so I wasn’t complaining on having to drink chocolate milk for the week! I mean we are experiencing a pandemic. We need to make some changes and sacrifices, right? So, I picked up a gallon. It was so delicious! The next week they had skim milk, so I picked up a gallon of skim and chocolate. I have done this every week since March.

It’s the end of October, I’m still picking up chocolate milk and I’m so addicted to it. It’s now a staple in our house 🙂 Unable to keep up with the calories I needed to start rationing myself, so I purchased these little glasses to keep my portions smaller. Paul laughs every night when I pour my ounce for the evening, but it works!

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