A Day in My Life

And just like that, it’s December! I was going to do a day in my life back in June, but never made it a priority, so I have to get one done before December ends!

My alarm goes off at 6:40am. My nights are rough and my mornings are brutal. 6:40 can’t come quick enough, but yet it comes too quickly.

This little boy is already up and at ’em. Walking into his room this morning I found him decorating behind his tent with a roll of outdoor Christmas lights. He is a busy body, always on the move and won’t stop till this evening when he’s asleep in bed.

Paul feeds Eli and gets him dressed. I strap him into the car 🙂 Off to school!

The weather has been really warm. Only 23′ out this morning. Perfect running weather for me.

I have lots to do today, so only 3 miles.

I come home and do a weight workout. Today is a kettlebell workout day. This is one of my favorite workouts. She is really tough, and I get a really good workout!

After my weight workout, I stretch with this gal. She targets older people 🙂 but she stretches the full body in 20 minutes. I’m getting older so I guess I fit right in!

I mix up my banana smoothie for breakfast. Protein and fiber! Ha!

I deliver one to Paul at work 🙂 See the electric blanket and space heater? Just trying to stay warm today!

I take my smoothie and my laptop, and work in front of the fire.

After an hour or so of work, I do the most enjoyable part of my day. I clean and straighten up my house. Carpet lines and the smell of clorox makes me so happy! I have a little germ awareness so I love sanitizing my bathrooms and floors 🙂

Lunch! What do we eat for lunch? Anything that’s in the freezer out in the garage. I know, Paul is so lucky! 🙂 We have to rotate our frozen left overs sometime so why not now, right?

While we eat lunch, we always watch Meat Eater on Netflix. Not sure why a vegetarian likes this show, but it’s entertaining and get’s kind of exciting.

Me: Now! Now! Take the shot. He’s going to run, better take it now!

Paul: What side are you on?

I’m always team deer. I’m a traitor only for a minute. I feel sorry for him when he hunts so hard for days and then he finally sees something, I want him to get the deer.

Paul says we should go on a tranquilizer hunt. Where you hit the deer with a tranquilizer and after the deer wakes up he gets up and walks away. No harm done. Kind of like catch and release 🙂

After lunch treat. Little marzipan cakes. I can’t get enough of these. Layers of cake and cream, wrapped in marzipan. And if that isn’t enough, they are dipped in chocolate. I wouldn’t have to work out so hard if I stopped eating these.

I move to the island and finish the rest of my to do list.

Today I head over to my parents house to finish up a project we are working on. We have to get this done by next week to mail them to Ferelyn and her family.

Nice piece of wood isn’t it?

Sanding our project. It’s a lot of work being an Elf!

Time to pick up little pea from school.

Snack and homework time.

After homework, we either head to the park or go for a bike ride. Today we had an important errand to run. We went to the post office to mail Eli’s letter to the North Pole. He is an inquisitive little boy with lots of fabulous questions! How will his letter get there? How long does it take to travel there? Does the post office need a sleigh to get to his house? I love it!!

Time for bed. Hallelujah! I need a little down time. The three of us jump in Eli’s bed. He reads a book to us and I read one to him.

After Eli is asleep, I do a little reading/study. I’m so far behind and every night I get further behind. I have been on Moroni for the last several days because I keep getting distracted. I just found out Mary and Joseph got married! And they had other children! Wait, what?! I never knew. So, I have been reading and researching this instead of my nightly reading.

Paul and I watch something for a few minutes and then off to bed. We are in bed by 10:15pm. 10:30pm if we are crazy 🙂

That sums up my day!

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