Christmas Eve Evening

Paul’s family has a tradition of opening pajamas on Christmas Eve and Paul and we have continued with this tradition.

Eli had a lot of fun this year in shopping for a few gifts, wrapping them, and placing them under the tree. Waiting for a few weeks until he could open them was taking everything out of him, and practicing patience was killing him! And NOW he gets to finally open one! He was disappointed that we were the ones to choose which one to open, but he got over it and was so excited to finally open one!

Eli didn’t catch on that all the gifts we opened that night were pajamas. Waiting for us to open our gift was excitement for him.

Paul wrote my tag: To: Kris (mommy). For the last few months, Eli has been asking me why people use my nickname (Kris) instead of my real name (mommy). I have always wanted to be a mother, and this little boy not only gave me the title of a mother, but a mommy!

We put our pajamas on and started to prepare for Santa’s arrival.

We have had a few discussions on what type of cookies were were going to make. Eli said he wanted to give cookies to Santa and carrots to Santa’s reindeer, so we decided to multitask and make orange carrot cookies.

Eli wanted to put out water for his reindeer as well. He insisted on using Charlies old dish. I haven’t had the courage to throw out all of Charlies stuff, so I’m pleased to see it being used.

Just before bed he had to do a research check. What is a research check??

Eli said he saw Santa flying in the sky, so it was off to bed!

We stuffed the stockings with tasty treats.

We loaded up the tree.

While Paul was making several trips bringing up wrapped gifts from the basement, I took one for the team and ate some cookies.

Eli insisted on giving Santa 1% milk, so Paul drank the milk 🙂

And Santa came. He delivered gifts. He enjoyed his cookies and milk. His reindeer were refreshed with their water. It was a successful night.

I think I’m more excited for Eli to see this empty plate than he is to open everything! I can’t wait. Christmas day is never going to come!! 🙂

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