2020 Pandemic – December

As I was thinking of how the pandemic has effected us for December, I was surprised to see my list was all positives and I hope these changes continue after the pandemic is over.

The only negative I have is that the store is still low in sales, but not like they were in the spring when all this started.

I have been having all my sleep appointments online with Zoom. What a time saver and VERY convenient. Instead of taking half the day off for an appointment, I log in while sitting in my kitchen. I have my next appointment set up for next year and they gave me the option of coming in or doing virtual appointment. I told them virtual all the way. I’m hoping this option will be available in the future years.

Church is still at home every other week. The other week is in the building for an hour. They’re wearing the ties I made!

Masks – Holiday masks. The masks have been very nice in the cold! I went shopping at an outdoor strip mall and had it on the whole time. It was freezing walking from store to store and it was very nice to have a “scarf” around my face at all times, inside the store and out.

Curbside service. Okay. This one better stay after the pandemic. I have thoroughly enjoyed this service. Ordering on my phone, parking, and having my food run out to my car! This is the most fabulous thing restaurants have come up with. Paul and I may have used this service at the Olive Garden 4 times this month. It’s just too easy.

With the store, I wanted to opt out of this service because all I saw was hassle. But now after having it in place, it has become very convenient for our employees as well. Online ordering is now 60% of our business. It has made our lunch rushes smoother, less crowded, and more efficient. All with the same volume.

I’m seeing this pandemic lasting for at least another 3-6 months. It will be interesting to see what changes stay.

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