Monday Luncheon

Today’s Monday luncheon was simple.

But it was special, because Little Pea was able to join us!

After lunch we went to a new place for dessert. We went to Flake.

The most delicious mini pies. They had some hand pies that I think we will have to go back and try!

The three pies we tried was the strawberry, coconut and key lime pies. Hands down the strawberry pie won. It was very tangy and the graham cracker crust was really good.

Always fun to try something new!

Happy New Year

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to Paul!

Paul really want to to go snowmobiling for his birthday. On the way, we stopped in at the store to make sandwiches for lunch. We knew we would be starving after a day on the mountain.

Drove to Monte Cristo. Utah as been going through a drought with little snow, we were worried we wouldn’t have enough snow to ride the snowmobiles. Driving further up in elevations, we finally came to a little snow and frosted covered trees.

Eli rode with Paul.

I rode my own 🙂

With the lack of snow, we stayed on the main roads. We didn’t want to risk damaging the machine by running over rocks or branches. We went down Dry Bread Pond.

Lots of open space to go where ever you wanted.

Paul picked a good day to have a birthday 🙂

We switched so Paul could have some fun. After all, it’s his birthday 🙂

We played in the snow. It’s sad and a little scary that we haven’t had snow in the valley this year. A little worried about next year.

It was a gorgeous day.

Paul and Eli. It was hard to video. The sun was so bright, I couldn’t see what I was taping 🙂

Eli had a lot of fun!

After several hours riding it was time to head home and get dinner. Every year Paul wants to go to Maddox for his birthday dinner. I don’t complain. Maddox is delicious and I’m glad I can tag along 🙂 We also took home a coconut cream pie!

Happy Birthday, Paul!