Utah finally has snow

We finally received a great snow storm so Paul and Eli went skiing.

Eli has been asking for weeks to go skiing. He is starting to turn, and almost did a parallel turn. I don’t know what that means, but Paul says it’s pretty good 🙂

He is growing up so fast. I remember having to ride on the carpet with him, and now he is doing it by himself!!

He also doesn’t have fear. Fast the better 🙂

A few days later the weather was perfect and Paul had to get out again. He went skiing with Jeremy and spent the day on the mountain.

Not many skiing days this year due to the lack of snow. Hopefully we get more next year!

Monday Luncheon

Started out today with a frigid run. Beautiful morning, but extremely cold!

Today’s Monday lunch we drove to Provo.

We went to Good Moves Cafe.

Today’s lunch was a fun one because Bryan came with! Today was also fun because at Good Move Cafe, you play games while you eat. They had a lot of games to choose from and surprisingly they were clean.

This is so true!

Eli picked out a few fun games while we waiting for our lunch to come. For lunch we had pasta with alfredo. It was really good. I would go back and get it again.

For dessert we stayed in Provo and went to Simply Cheesecake.

And simply it was. Nothing too special. I chose the oreo cheesecake and it was just simple. We each got a different flavor and I thought each cheesecake was just simple. It wasn’t bad, but not good enough to come back.

I’m glad Bryan joined us! Aaron and Bryan were throwing out movie quotes all afternoon and I have forgotten how funny they are, especially when they are together. I hope Bryan will join us throughout the winter.

Last Week of Owning the Store

The last two weeks have been brutal. I knew when my last day of work was going to be, but no one else knew. 🙂 Can’t tell the the employees because we need them. As soon as they find out, they have a high chance of quitting.

So, I needed to direct my stress and anxiety somewhere, and that somewhere was shopping. I have shopped EVERY day 🙂

Cute, right? I purchased the shirt and pants!

In between shopping, I did have to go to work. I still need to keep things rolling. One of the days I smashed my finger on…

This traffic cone. They are doing road construction and blocked the right lane that goes to my store. Directing traffic away from my store, making the entrance hard for customers to get into. I had to move it. Need to keep the lunch rush coming even during construction.

Another stress reliever I have been doing is eating. And not the healthy eating. Mrs. Bakers bakery became my closest friend over the last two weeks. I have frequented her bakery almost every day. I would have gone every day, but she is closed on Monday’s 🙂 A lot of calories in that tiny square of tasty goodness!

Finally the day came! We announced we sold the store to employees, completed a few tasks, and had our last Subway dinner 🙂 Yup! That’s my boy!

knowing we wouldn’t be in Bountiful anytime soon, because we now don’t have a reason to drive an hour away from home, we stopped off at Dick’s for the last time. Very sad about this. They have the BEST buttermilk donuts. We were late and they didn’t have any left, so I had to try…

Their cakes. And it didn’t disappoint. For the 10 years we owned the store, we have been going to Dicks for donuts and never tried their cakes. Such a disappointment. 🙂

Next stop, my favorite cookie place.

Cutlers. They have the best cookies in the state. Yes, I eat a LOT of treats. I eat, therefore I run. It works for me.

Many times I have purchased these cookies as an employee motivator. I’m going to miss these cookies.

One last memory of our week. The crazy snow storm we drove in. The last day of driving to Bountiful we scheduled it on the only storm of the week. How is that for fantastic scheduling! I want to remember this store, because this wasn’t normal snow. It was dirty, brown snow.

Look at this. Filthy dirty. I think there is some salt from the Great Salt Lake as well.

You can see the different colors in this picture. The white snow with the crazy brown snow on top.

A lot happened during the last two weeks and we have done a lot of “last” things, but we are not done celebrating just yet. Selling the store was a huge accomplishment, but we still have a few things to wrap up, like QuickBooks and taxes. After we close out QuickBooks, we are going to do a celebratory dinner at the Dodo!

Yup, more eating 🙂