Monday Luncheon

Bryan met us at Hires Big H for lunch. I always get the veggie burger with avocado and cheese. I have tried a lot of veggie burgers , and it Utah this place has the best one! Can’t get the fries. Not worth the calories, but other than the fries, you can’t go wrong with anything on the menu. Aaron says all the burgers are really good, I will have to take his word for it 🙂

Dessert today was a bust. We went to the Sweet Spot. I need to document to NOT go here. Nothing sweet in here. It is a Brazilian café. Let’s see, how to describe this café ….first thing, the health department needs to make a stop here and make some changes. We walked in, looked at the dessert case and walked out. Enough said.

Next stop. Family Fun Bakery. Not to put down my cooking skills, but I can make a better cookie than what they had in the case. Won’t be going back here either.

With two down, we just decided to go to Crave. It was getting late and I needed to leave shortly to pick Eli up from school, so we went where we knew they had a good cookie.

We tried the Oreo stuffed cookie and Aaron got the safe chocolate chip cookie. it was good, but I should have gotten the chocolate chip cookie. Next time!

A Saturday Out

We had plans to drive to Heber to ride the Heber Creeper, but they were closed for maintenance. So instead of riding on a real steam engine locomotive, we went on …

The UTA. Ha! We rode trax downtown and ate brunch.

We went to Eva’s Bakery.

Eli had the stuffed french toast. Paul and I split the Boulange Benedict, with ham on the side. Then Eli finished what we didn’t eat. 🙂

We walked around downtown for a while and headed home.

Popped some popcorn.

And watched a movie.

Although we didn’t get to ride the train today, we will for sure ride it in a few months. Looking forward to it!

Barn Doors

My life is never easy. I also never finish a project. I have many sewing starters, but not a lot of finished products.

Today I have decided to make my life difficult and relocate my sewing room across the house.

Ugg! This is my sewing room. I’m embarrassed to even show this. My tables are covered in unfinished projects and piles of material that I have dug out of my cabinets to work on a project.

Yes, my exercise bike is in the middle of the room. I have pictures of the other side of the room, but I just can’t upload it due to the mess. Those pictures were moved to the trash bin. 🙂

This is my family room. Again. Yes, that is a vibraphone in the middle of the room 🙂 I’m practicing for a piece that I have volunteered to play in sacrament meeting and the basement is too cold to practice in 🙂

The couch on the right is a heavy beast. I have convinced Paul to help me load it up on the trailer to donate next week.

This the arch I want to hang the barn doors on. I have measured and remeasured, and of course every door out there is either too tall or not wide enough. I have to make my own doors!

Paul is so not happy with me 🙂 Over the last week he helped me load up the couch on the trailer, and move my both my cabinets and desk into the family room for me. They are not the lightest furniture. Sturdy and great for an embroidery machine, though!

I looked at several pictures of barn doors and drew plans for the doors I would like to have in my house. Checked and doubled checked my numbers. I drew a new design, more measurements, and another plan. This is my first door 🙂 I wasn’t sure what I was doing.

I Went to Lowes to look at wood and then dropped in at my parents house to announce my new project. I wish I had taken a picture of my father when I told him we are making barn doors.

We cut everything.

We glued pieces together.

We drilled pocket screw holes.

We measured, and measured, and measured!

We clamped.

We cut some more. 🙂

And crazy enough we had a frame of a door!

Of course I couldn’t just have a plain door. I wanted texture and light to come through windows.

I ordered plexiglass through a local company who cut them to a specific size. We had to carefully slide the glass through each panel.

It’s looking like a door!

I filled the holes with putty and started painting. I came back the next day to put a second coat on the doors and the doors warped! I cried. I didn’t get pictures, but we clamped the frames of the doors to straight pieces of wood and by morning they were looking pretty good.

Ready to head over to my house!

Paul was not happy with me this day either 🙂 My rails were delivered. Paul had to find the studs…

Screw in the back board, which if I were to do this again I would use a thinner board. I was unsure of the thickness of the back board, because I didn’t know how heavy the doors were going to be.

I was also worried about the looks of the door and what side of the arch I should put them on. Front or back? I tried to imagine what it would look like both ways, finally I chose the back of the arch.

Adding the pully wheels to the top of the doors.

And we have a door.

Lulu came to help.

I removed the paper from the plexiglass and couldn’t stop opening and closing the doors.

They need a bit of cleaning, but they look great! I absolutely love them. I love that I can shut out my mess.

When we move I want to take them. I worked so hard on them I want to keep them. The new house will have barn doors to the entry way to my workout room, so I will install them there. Paul is going to be thrilled to help me install these doors a second time!

A Saturday with the Four Wheelers

Woke up to this. It’s going to be a nice day.

40′. Perfect running weather.

I went running at a different park today and parked here. Nice! Starting to get more chargers around the valley.

We went up to Thousand Peaks Ranch and took the four wheelers out.

It was a little cold up there.

Eli started a snowball fight. Paul missed Eli 🙂

We saw a bunch of pine needles on the ground.

And a bunch of twigs with the needles stripped clean, we though maybe a Porcupine?

On the way down, Paul let Eli drive. He is waiving his arms showing me Eli is in control and driving himself. Starting him young!

On the way home we stopped for ice cream.

Our skookie was a little on the toasted side, but Eli gave his ice cream a thumbs up!

That wraps up our Saturday.

Monday Luncheon

Today’s lunch, we went to Strap Tank.

Strap Tank is a beer brewery. Aaron was showing me what beer he was drinking 🙂

Bryan and Aaron split the pizza. This thing was HUGE. The four of us could have ordered this and still have left overs.

Mom and I split the fish and chips. A very good choice! I would come back here again for the fish and try another pizza.

For dessert we went to Crave.

We each tried a different cookie. Out of all the flavors of cookies, I think the chocolate chip cookie is a good choice. All the flavors were good, but the chocolate chip cookie was the best. When I go back, it will be the chocolate chip cookie for me!

Crazy thing after. I needed to go to a model home to get some house plans I liked. This house was in a 55+ community so I asked mom to pretend she was looking for a house in the community so she could get the plans. She was so funny! I wish I recorded it. She played the role perfectly! I always like touring model homes so it was a perfect ending for today’s lunch.

Airborne, another location

We went to a different Airborne this time. I don’t know why this place is so scary, but it is!

Is it because little kids can throw themselves and not think about the bones they will break or the muscles they will pull if they land wrong??

All slides are scary, but this one was 15 feet tall with a 90′ angle. This goes straight down, and then curves into a slide.

Paul went down it many times and tried to get us to go down. I refused, but as a great mother I am, I encouraged Eli into going down telling a lie that it wasn’t scary 🙂

So I had to go down to show Eli it wasn’t so scary. Don’t mind my screaming 🙂

Finally a little fear in a 6 year old. Eli gets it how scary it is!

Eli finally went down. He cried a bit 🙂 It was scary!

Eli had a little motivation to go down again.

After that we couldn’t stop him from going down. He must have gone down 50 times. Did I go down again? Nope! Once was enough!

We had fun. Paul really had fun!