Monday Luncheon

Today’s lunch, we went to Strap Tank.

Strap Tank is a beer brewery. Aaron was showing me what beer he was drinking 🙂

Bryan and Aaron split the pizza. This thing was HUGE. The four of us could have ordered this and still have left overs.

Mom and I split the fish and chips. A very good choice! I would come back here again for the fish and try another pizza.

For dessert we went to Crave.

We each tried a different cookie. Out of all the flavors of cookies, I think the chocolate chip cookie is a good choice. All the flavors were good, but the chocolate chip cookie was the best. When I go back, it will be the chocolate chip cookie for me!

Crazy thing after. I needed to go to a model home to get some house plans I liked. This house was in a 55+ community so I asked mom to pretend she was looking for a house in the community so she could get the plans. She was so funny! I wish I recorded it. She played the role perfectly! I always like touring model homes so it was a perfect ending for today’s lunch.

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