Spring Break

Eli had a week off for spring break. We did everything. We went hiking, fishing, bike riding, played at the park…it was non stop.

He went running with me in the mornings.

He’s my little coxswain. He would ride his scooter as fast as he could and encourage me to run. “Faster mommy, faster!” My speed increases when I’m with him.

He has great theatrics. This is what he does after he reaches the top of the hills.

His energy returns we get to the park!

Learning how to skateboard.

In honor of spring break, Eli wanted to take pictures of the spring flowers. I thought that was appropriate. This is what he took.

See his shoes 🙂

Every picture! He is such a cute boy, he makes me laugh.

The Easter bunny gave Eli a new switch game, Animal Crossings. This game is kind of fun, and addicting. What is fun is our characters are just like us. Paul and I walk around logs and make a relatively straight line to where we need to go. Eli takes the long way, and runs around and around, and over logs, sits on logs, jumps over logs… it’s been quite fun to watch him play.

Another thing that is fun, is watching Eli decorate his tent. His tent looks just like a 6 year old tent. He needed to display all his fish he caught.

No room for his bed so it went outside. Of course.

This was just the beginning of his fish collection! We spent a lot of hours playing.

We took a day and went to Crystal Hot Springs. Sadly, no pictures. The day we went was snowy and cold. Perfect to sit in hot pools! After several hours in the water, we went to Maddox for dinner. My usual is the salmon with about 30 rolls and cornpones. Too full for dessert, a coconut cream pie always goes home with us.

It was a fun spring break!

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