Field Trip

Every day for the last week Eli has been asking Alexa, “Alexa, how many days till April 20th?” And today finally came!

Look at that face! He was so excited to go to the farm, and ride the bus!

How did Eli get the goose egg on his forehead?

The night before he was playing with his monster truck that had a pointy end. Every night Eli would put this truck on the head board of his bed. Paul kept telling him it was going to fall and moved it every night. Well, tonight he didn’t move it and it fell on him. Eli wanted to see what it looked like… 🙂

We went to the farm at Thanksgiving Point. I didn’t know they had a farm 🙂 The last time I was here, I ran the Thanksgiving point 1/2 marathon and haven’t been back since, so this was fun.

We were in charge of these 4. They were so cute!

Two stressed out people trying to watch four 6 year olds. 🙂 It was fun and I’m glad we volunteered, but I sure was glad it was for only 1.5 hours. That was enough! I have a lot of respect for his Kindergarten teachers!

Eli loved the farm, but I think he really liked being with his friends. He is my social butterfly.

See! He is only 6 and socializing with the girls. 🙂 He actually thought this little girl was cute since the first day of school. So when he found out she was in our group, he was extremely excited.

This little boy was a sweet one as well. He was by Eli’s side the whole time.

The four of them LOVED the carriage ride. We had to ride it twice.

I was thrilled to have the opportunity to come with Eli on his field trip. It was fun meeting all his friends. I’m looking forward to many more field trips.

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