
After years of wanting to purchase some property and build a new home, we are now in the position to start looking. The stores are sold and we now have the time to continue with our goals in life.

Since March we have been looking everywhere! In the valley, up north, and down south. In each area there were only a few lots to choose from. Those lots were the left over “junk” from what the other builders didn’t want. These were either odd shaped lots, on a cliff or next to a busy road, and all of them were extremely over priced.

Paul kept looking and one morning he found one. It was only on the market for four days so we had to act fast. With the price wars and lots not lasting long, we drove up that afternoon.

When we pulled up to the lot, Eli immediately went out running to explore. The lot was in a beautiful area and quiet. Eli ran around, explored and found the chickens. Both neighbors around the property have chickens and one has a goat.

We knocked on the neighbors door to ask some questions about the lot and neighborhood. The neighbors were extremely nice and Eli ran off with their 4 kids and started to slide down the crazy slide. I have to take pictures the next time we are there. Worry one solved: We were worried Eli wouldn’t have many friends is such a rural area. Not a problem.

A few days later something was bother Paul, but he didn’t know what it was. We were in the process of doing due diligence and the issue of the sewer kept coming up. NO one knew about the sewer. Where it was or where the property was to be hooked up. Paul was on the phone for several days with the city and the two neighboring cities.

Well, no one could find the answer so we had to go and dig. This is what we found…

Just digging our hole trying to find the sewer and two deer come wandering in.

We were sold. We needed the property. We need deer to pass through our property every night.

We needed to make this work. Paul called the city the next day and even called some guy working outside nearby with his shovel to go to the property and take a look to see if he could find the sewer connection, and he did!

Well, we found the issue to the sewer and it’s not hooked up anywhere. Paul’s worry must have been this sewer, because now this was solved, Paul felt good about the property. More negotiations later and the property is ours! We are SOOO excited.

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