Two Little Boys Having Fun

I started out the morning with a well needed run. The fall temperatures are wonderful and the leaves are beautiful. Makes the burning legs and lungs worth it 🙂

When I got home, Eli’s friend was there ready to play with Eli. His parents had a few errands to run so they dropped him off for a few hours. I thought this would be a great opportunity for me to get my errands done without a complaining little boy 🙂

Without giving Paul a chance to say no, I left him with the two little boys. It was so nice to get to several stores and actually look at things, instead of grabbing what I need and hurrying out of the store.

What did these two little boys do while I was gone? Besides playing lots of video games, they…

Threw tomatoes at the fence and at the neighbors house. They had fun cleaning it up.

They turned over the bedroom….

They covered my kitchen with whipped cream….

In the bedroom they were playing an hour of fart sounds.

In the kitchen they had Alexa playing fart music. I didn’t know there was such a thing.

These two boys had so much fun.

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