Four Wheeler Ride to Alexander Lake

We started out our ride by stopping at the gas station that makes their own donuts. Paul chose one that was longer than his arm…

Eli chose ice cream 🙂

And I chose the best one 🙂 Blueberry with cream cheese icing.

We took a left to see Lambert Meadow. We drove for several miles and came to a dry river bed. The terrain wasn’t terrible rocky, but a little more than I like. I drove across it and a mile later we decided to turn around.

On the way back Eli wanted to drive and asked to switch. I told him after we cross the riverbed he could drive. He asked again. He said, “Mom, I want to be a good driver, please let me drive.” What? My little boy is right. How is he going to learn unless he drives? So we switched.

On the way back we took the other road to Alexander Lake. Eli drove quite a bit and he did a great job driving. He is becoming a great driver!

Alexander Lake.

We walked to the lake and we found several dragonflies. These dragonflies were HUGE and they were flying around and being very curious about us.

Our crazy boy! 🙂

Beautiful dragonflies with vibrant colors.

This was the only flower we saw on our ride.

Lunch! We freeze dried chicken a few days ago. When we came to the lake, Paul heated water and rehydrated the chicken. Add avocado and Paul had a warm chicken sandwich. He said it was very tasty.

Ready to head back down, but first we explored the area and found a camping site a little further in we are going to use next year.

This was a really fun ride. The roads were nice and easy to ride on.

On the way back down we had to race the weather. We almost made it down and it poured rain. We were soaked. We made it to the truck right in time and it started to hail! This was a fun drive and I’m glad we took time to come up here.