A Few Odds and Ends

A few days ago we were up North, so we stopped in at Union Station to look at the trains. Of course they were closed today 🙂

No worries. We walked around the front of the station and saw the trains in the front yard.

Eli still says he wants to be a train driver when he grows up. He hasn’t lost his fascination with trains.

We had a fun night of bowling and laser tag.

This is a terrible video, but it’s all I have. Eli lap swimming. He loves the water!

Speaking of swimming. This picture was a surprise to me when I downloaded June pictures. Not sure when he took this, but this was just before his swim lesson. 🙂 This boy makes me laugh. I love his personality!

I don’t think we will ever break ground to start building our new home, but when we do, this will be our kitchen faucet. I love it!

We went to the Saratoga Springs temple open house. I got pretty emotional in the sealing room. The last time the three of us were in a sealing room, was when Eli was six months old and we were sealed together as a family. We are so blessed to have him in our family.

Went to Pie Fight for the best pie ever! I get the box of scrappies. Oh, I could go for a another box right now. Delicious!

A fun movie night in my parents garage.

One last picture! Doesn’t matter if it’s 5′ or 105′, Eli will have a blanket over him. Mormor gave him this Minky Couture blanket and he has been wrapped in it day and night. He won’t go to sleep without it, and won’t enjoy a fun movie on the couch without it. Nothing wrong to be cozy. I raised him right 🙂

That wraps up June!