St. Patrick’s Day

Eli woke up to this. An empty table. I had plans to make green muffins for breakfast, but we didn’t have time to make them this morning.

What a sad face! We slept in this morning and only had a half hour to make it to to church. When Paul said it was cold cereal for breakfast, he was so disappointed. He told me a decorated table was supposed to be a great breakfast. Not cereal.

When we got home, I made lunch.

Eli said this was more of what he was expecting. Such a happy boy with food!

We had green wraps with green jelllo jigglers.

A green salad. And the word salad is being used very loosely. This salad is more of a dessert. But it was green and I was having a hard time coming up with green items.

Jello with panna cotta with a swirl of whipped cream. This was my first time making panna cotta and it worked! More importantly Eli loved it so it was perfect.

Green brownies for dessert.

Not sure what else to say about today. We ate lunch, watched a few movies together and snacked on brownies the rest of the night. 🙂