Eli’s 9th Anniversary

Looking back at this picture every year is just so incredible. I still can’t believe nine years ago he came to our family. Nine years ago we were sealed as a family. We thought this day would never happen.

Now he is nine! Growing into a funny, smart young man. Every year we talk about adoption and being sealed as a family, and this year he is understanding a bit more. This year he chose to go to the Saratoga Springs temple.

The camera behind the camera 🙂

We didn’t take many pictures, because Eli was a bit nervous. There were two weddings going on. One in the front and one in the back. He didn’t want to intrude. What he doesn’t know is that weddings happen every day, every 15 min minutes, and it’s okay to be on the temple grounds. One day he won’t be as shy. 🙂

He played in the fountain for a bit.

The flowers were about done for the year, but they are still beautiful.

We are so grateful we have the opportunity to be his parents. He has no idea how loved he is!

We got back into the car to open gifts out of the wind.

A smart watch. This boy is loved and spoiled.

This year Eli chose to eat at Melty’s for his anniversary lunch. Melty’s menu are grilled sandwiches that you dip in sauces.

You can’t go wrong with grilled ham and cheese dipped in fry sauce.

Yeah, that’s my boy!