GTIS Half Marathon

Third marathon of the year. The Georgetown to Idaho Spring marathon in Colorado.

When I signed up for this race, my sister said it was just like the Heber half. A fast race down hill in a beautiful canyon. Fantastic! I will do it. I need another 7 miles of easy running to help me get to the finish line 🙂

Again, it was an early start. We needed to get to the bus by 6am so they can get us up to the starting line by 7am. This race had a late start of 8am.

It’s an hour drive from my sisters house to the buses to bus us to to the starting line, so I arrived at her house at 4am. Look at the bunnies! Apparently, they are everywhere! I think they are cute, Ferelyn thinks they are annoying because they leave droppings and eat everything.

At the starting line.

This race was a beautiful race. It started at a lake and ran past an old mine.

I wore a running jacket because it was cold out, with a short sleeved shirt. I want to do this marathon again, so next time, I will drop my jacket and run in a short sleeved shirt at the start.

So this was NOTHING like the Heber half. First difference: The first 2 miles were UP HILL! I was dying. as you can see above.

Lots of entertainment during this race.

The river was beautiful.

Ferelyn: ” want a picture by the river?”

Me: “Yeah, I could use a break…er… I mean, yes, let’s take a picture :)”

I was dying! This race had more hills to run up than down. And we were supposedly dropping in elevation every mile we ran.

The lady on the right had to be in her 70’s and I couldn’t keep up with her! I had to print this picture and hang it in my kitchen as a reminder to get stronger!!!


Another band. I found out the high school seniors need 40 hours of volunteer hours to graduate. Apparently, this counts as their hours. They were enjoyable to listen to.

This the old mine. Georgetown and Idaho Springs are old mining towns.

We made it. Ferelyn couldn’t get a picture of us at the finish line. I needed food! I was already in line for my bagel and chocolate milks. Yes, I had several chocolate milks.

This race was very challenging for me. I want to run it again next year and I will be ready for it!

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