2020 Pandemic – July

The pandemic is still here. How has the pandemic effected our lives during the month of July?

Paul is still working from home. He says his highlight of the week is watching the garbage man come by. He needs to get some new highlights.

How has this pandemic affected the store? There is a shortage of coin! Who knew? I didn’t. How are we short of coin? The majority of the population are still staying home and not spending money, and if they spend money they are using credit cards, not cash. So, their coin sits at home instead of being circulated into the system.

I found this out I went to the bank to get my weekly change. They told me this was the last time I can get a large order of coin. I can only get 10 rolls of coin a week. 10 rolls of coin will last me 2 days 🙂 So, I have recruited Paul and my parents to make bank runs for me so I don’t have to go daily.

Grocery stores are back to normal. All shelves are stocked and I can find everything I need/want. Milk prices have finally come down. They were $0.60 higher for the last few months. Several other food items went up after the panic shopping, but I only documented and followed milk. So if milk is back to normal, maybe other items are back to normal as well?

Finally! Retail stores are opening!

My mother and I went shopping one morning and it was so fun. I sure miss being out with my mother. We always do a shopping trip with each other once a month, so it was nice to finally get out.

Church is still the same with home church and one day a month for 45 minutes in the church building. The Primary presidency put together a fun thing for the primary children. They dressed up their razor as an ice cream truck and delivered ice cream to all the primary children. They even had music! Can’t have an ice cream truck without music!

Eli was sooo excited! He was out front sitting on his blanket, just waiting for them to come by.

Out of all the ice cream, he chose a Popsicle.

Speaking of church… One Sunday we went for a hike into the mountains and had our church lesson on a log. That was fun! We definitely will be doing this again.

Hmmm…anything else for July? I think I covered it all.

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