The Week After Christmas

I’m not going to post a picture of our house, but I haven’t vacuumed in 5 days and it’s driving me crazy. Paul took some video of the house because he couldn’t believe I have stayed calm through all this. That footage has been archived and not to be viewed by anyone. But, this is what Christmas is all about, right? Playing and being with family. We played hard every day for a week. We started playing the minute we woke up to when we hit the pillow that night. Five days of this!

We took a week off of eating healthy as well. It would be safe to say we haven’t followed the basic four food groups, unless that consists of sugar cookies and chocolate covered marzipan. We did have a balanced breakfast one morning, we went to the Black Bear Diner. Ha!

See what is around us? Mass hysteria is what it is.

We opened battleship and played a game. Paul was quick to sink our ship. Eli thought it was fun, but it was a long game and wanted to play something else. It’s his week, so we did what he wanted to do. And what was that?

He wanted to play the Nintendo Switch. We were going to get it for Eli last year, but we thought he was too young, and I’m glad we waited. This year was perfect for him.

They played all day. When their patooties got tired, they moved to the couch. 🙂

See the sock in the couch? The place was crazy!

We played Smess, the Ninny’s chess. Eli didn’t get this for Christmas, but he is obsessed with it. He is getting quite good at it as well. There are times when I don’t have to let him take my guy. He moves his guys, traps me, and takes it!

Well, this isn’t playing, but I have to remember it. Cyber Monday had a fantastic deal on a new kitchen faucet and we couldn’t pass it up. Paul said he would take just a moment to install it. After he installed it, we found out the handle was too tong and it hit the lip of the window seal. So out came the new one and the old one went back in.

Oh, the trains. Trains, trains, and more trains. Eli wants to be a train driver when he grows up so he wanted anything with a train. He received another box of wooden train tracks. We built a city out of train tracks. He is in love with this!

Eli learned how to read the legend on the instructions for the electric car track. He did a fantastic job putting the track together.

After the track was put together we had to protect the furniture because the cars were flying everywhere. We raced several races!

We brought out the electric train that blows real smoke. We also played with a fort kit and made several forts.

At night we went Christmas light watching. We found this street on Solemn street. It was king of fun to see the lights going across the street connecting all the houses.

One of the houses had a projector playing the Christmas story.

Then in the window we saw the leg lamp. Too funny.

Paul spotted Eli finishing up a Christmas project.

Different day, same Nintendo, but different game. They paused their playing to leave the house to purchase another game.

Same game, new position 🙂

It’s going to be rough going back to reality. We had a fun filled week of playing, enjoying family time, and eating whatever and whenever we wanted.

From the words of Dr. Seuss: Today is done. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one…but with a clean floor. Everyday from here to there, [great] things are every where.

Looking forward to a fun filled 2021!

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