Service Project

This year Eli is old enough to participate in service projects.

We loaded up this morning and went to the store to make, and donate 50 footlongs to the food pantry.

We made all the sandwiches on the back prep tables, so our employees could have the front area to serve customers.

We wrapped them in 6 inch sandwiches.

After making the sandwiches, it was time to make some for us!

We delivered 100 6 inch sandwiches.

Eli has been begging us to ride the train. After all, he is going to be a train driver 🙂 My parents dropped us off at the train station.

Eli was skipping on the platform he was so excited.

Looking at the train through his binoculars (his fingers shaped like binoculars).

He LOVED the ride home.

It was a smooth ride home. My parents drove and met us at the station to pick us up.

It was a fun day of service. We have decided to make and donate 10 footlongs (20 six inches) every Friday when I work. 10 doesn’t sound like a lot, we may have to increase that number…

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