Airborne, another location

We went to a different Airborne this time. I don’t know why this place is so scary, but it is!

Is it because little kids can throw themselves and not think about the bones they will break or the muscles they will pull if they land wrong??

All slides are scary, but this one was 15 feet tall with a 90′ angle. This goes straight down, and then curves into a slide.

Paul went down it many times and tried to get us to go down. I refused, but as a great mother I am, I encouraged Eli into going down telling a lie that it wasn’t scary 🙂

So I had to go down to show Eli it wasn’t so scary. Don’t mind my screaming 🙂

Finally a little fear in a 6 year old. Eli gets it how scary it is!

Eli finally went down. He cried a bit 🙂 It was scary!

Eli had a little motivation to go down again.

After that we couldn’t stop him from going down. He must have gone down 50 times. Did I go down again? Nope! Once was enough!

We had fun. Paul really had fun!

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