Monday Luncheon

The day started out with crepes. Eli decorated it himself.

We went for a run. They were having a mini triathlon and the swimming part was at the lake. I so want to do it next year, but I can’t get myself to swim in that lake. Okay, to swim at all 🙂

Back at home, he was cooling off in front of the fridge.

Eli is into science so we did the classic baking soda and vinegar thing.

He loved it!

We jumped into Mormor and Morfar’s car and went to our Monday luncheon.

After several issues with places (three places we drove into and left for various reasons) we ended up at the Old Spaghetti Factory.

I haven’t been here for years. Eli loves noodles, so it was a good choice for today.

Since we were driving around for so long trying to find a place to eat for lunch, we went for dessert at our usual, Chip.

The classic chocolate chip cookie. The best one out of the box.

100′ by the afternoon.

We had to finish out the day at the water park to cool off.

He had such a good time. I sure hope Eli remembers these fun days.

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