Weekend Home Alone

Paul and Eli were out of town this weekend, so I had the house to myself. I had so much I wanted to do and so little time 🙂

I started my weekend by doing a good deed. Going through the key drop delivery, Nicholas dropped off take out containers that we didn’t order. After letting Nicholas know, they told us to just keep it. This is a common tale I have told before 🙂

We don’t have any use for these containers, so we gave both boxes to the Asian place next to us. In return, they gave us a free dinner. Vegetarian sushi. Not sure what the yellow and orange vegetables were, but they were sweet and very tasty. Monday when I get back to work, I’m going to run over there and ask them. This is what I’m going to be eating next Friday for dinner!

Saturday morning, I slept in 🙂 Went for a run for the first time in 3 weeks. It was brutal. I couldn’t make it to my water breaks. I had to walk many times! I need to make time to run in the evenings.

That afternoon I ran errands and went shopping. I went to the library, TJmaxx, Eddie Bauer, Loft, Walmart, and Sam’s club. ALL without hearing about some complaint. When I got out of the car I kept looking back thinking I have left something. When I got into the stores, I looked at my hands knowing I wasn’t holding enough, but nope, I had my cell phone and keys. Then I realized I was missing my little boy’s hand!!

When I got home, I went into my sewing room to clean up a bit, and I spotted this! Little Pea’s cat boy car. I sure love a clean house, but I miss my little boy.

That evening, my parents picked me up and we went to Zander’s real estate open house. They were the ones who helped us purchase our property. They had fun family games, live music, and food. I couldn’t resist free, or food, so we went for dinner.

Since we purchased a property through them, I was a VIP 🙂 What did that mean? That meant we could go to VIP room and enjoy the dessert table. Almond crinkle for dessert.

After dinner we met up with Bryan and Shayna…

Shayna’s parents and Mitchell…

…and went to the demolition derby. We purchased tickets for the last row on the top of the bleachers. At first I thought this was a bad idea being so far away, but it turned out to be perfect! We were able to stand without worrying about anyone behind us. The only thing we need to next year is make sure we are closest to the isle. It was nice to get in and out without crawling over everyone.

Fun night. We have plans to do it again next year!

Sunday I made dinners for the week, and got caught up on work stuff. It was an enjoyable weekend, but I miss my two boys. Can’t wait to have them home again!

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