Extracting Honey

Time to get our tasty honey that the bees have been diligently making all summer.

Before we can remove the honey super, the top box with all the honey, we need to remove all the bees. The bees need to be pushed down and out of the honey super, and gather into the bottom brood box.

Paul took off the top layer and put on a layer with a maze.

When the bees go into the maze, they can only go one way. Down to the brood box. The maze doesn’t allow them back in to travel back up to the honey super.

The bees eating honey on the queen excluder. Paul took the queen excluder off and replaced it with the maze.

Eli hanging out with the cutest and curious miniature horse! He really wanted to know what Paul was doing and why he couldn’t go any further.

A few days later the maze was removed along with the honey super. The box was heavy and the frames were full. Nice, thick, dark honey. The bees did an excellent job this summer!

A tool is used to scrape off the wax caps.

Fresh honey exposed.

We borrowed our neighbors honey extractor.

Put the frames in the extractor.

Close the lid and give it a spin. The honey spins off the comb and onto the sides of the extractor.

Out comes the fresh honey. The honey goes through a fine strainer to the bottom of the bucket. From the bucket, the honey goes into jars.

Tasty honey!

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