I Am Lrrr

Lrrr, ruler of the planet Omicron came and slept on our couch for the last 7 days!

Meet our nurse. Eli kept our cups full of water and brought us blankets when we were cold. For seven days he played legos and watched PJ Masks all day long. All. Day. Long.

I love my mug. I had this full of sprite every morning.

Eli: “Can I have Doritos for breakfast?”

Lrrr: “Sure.”

Yeah, don’t mind the bed in the living room. 🙂 The nights were brutal. The days were full of coughing, fevers, chills, extreme sore throats, laryngitis, and nausea, but the nights! Oh, the nights were the worst. Coughing, heavy and cut lungs, and the crazy dreams. I dreaded going to bed at night.

Eli watched TV non stop with us. When we were taking a nap, Eli was watching PJ Masks. He must have watched 4 seasons, all episodes three times.

When we were awake we watched cooking shows together. When I watch these shows, I have my laptop next to me downloading recipes. Eli wanted to do the same so he started transcribing the recipes. Every night, a new episode and a new recipe he wrote. Eli said we are going to gather our recipes, make a recipe book and sell it on Amazon. I love it.

This is Eli taking a shower! Okay, not quite, because I asked him to grab soap and he didn’t. 🙂 But, he is cleaner than he was yesterday.

Paul and I were reminiscing that we have had one flu/ cold a couple of years ago that cough was worse than this Omicron. But this is lasting 7 days. That other rough cold/ flu was about 4 days. Just waiting for Lrrr to leave.

This was a terrible way to start out our summer, but we are now immune for the rest of the summer. Time to enjoy the next few months!