San Diego

The next day we traveled to San Diego so Paul to attend his work conference.

That’s my social butterfly. Walking and talking with the bell hop while he is bringing in our luggage, ha!

Since Paul was at work all week, we had all week to explore and have fun.

I have never seen a boat like this before. It was pretty amazing.

He was sure he could move the boat closer to the pier.

The navy was docked at the pier. It’s been awhile, but are those F-18’s? They were flying around a lot while we were there.

We tried several desserts in the area.

This one was from Extraordinary desserts. They looked great, but they were not great. Very disappointed.

Oh Tin Fish, how I love you so! Every time we come to San Diego we go to the Tin Fish. They didn’t disappoint this trip either.

The salmon was so delicious!!

We went to this restaurant one night. Cafe Coyote. This was really good. I had to note this restaurant because we will be back.

The restaurant is outside, in-between two buildings. It was lit up with lots of lights and really fun.

We had lots of fun at the hotel.

I had to make note of this. The parking was terrible. To find a parking spot, we had to be back from dinner about 4:00pm. Then we would have to continue to feed the meter. Then just before we were in for the night, we would have to move the car because there wasn’t parking overnight. We would have to move it about a mile away from where we were staying at a parking garage. Not fun. We had to do this every night. By the end of the week, I was pretty tired of the parking situation.

Of course we went swimming every night!

The last night Paul took me to the company street party and had a lot of great food. Paul loved the apple cider so much he asked for the recipe and they gave it to him!

We went out shopping a lot. One day we were out it started pouring rain. This isn’t a Utah storm that lasts a couple minutes. This lasted for hours! The rain pounded the pavement for hours. We stayed at one store and quickly dashed into the next store until we were closer to the car. The rain was incredible.

We went to La Jalla Cove to see the seal lions.

We went to the San Diego temple.

What a beautiful temple.