
The last stop is Disneyland.

I have been here so many times growing up, I grew to dislike Disneyland. So, when Eli started to show interest in Mickey Mouse, I really didn’t have a desire to go. But Eli changed my mind.

That smile! That smile right there is why we decided to go. We also thought this is the magical age so we didn’t have a choice. And I’m so glad we did!

Trying to keep a six year old with ADHD, an emphasis on the HD, boy in the same line for an hour. We thought many times if it was worth it. But then seeing that smile and listening to him laugh! Right there, it was worth the long lines.

His imagination went wild in Toon Town.

Mormor couldn’t walk very far due to her knees so we rented a wheelchair for her. That was the best thing ever! We didn’t have to wait in the line for some of the rides.

We would go to a ride, and the employee would put our name on the list. That spot on the list saved us a spot in line without standing in line.

With our name on the list we were able to leave, walk around, and eat ice cream while waiting for our spot to reach the front of the line. The lines were long. We had to wait about 2 hours per ride. It was crazy!

When it was time, we would come back to the ride, and get on.

A lot of time waiting in between attractions.

Seeing Mickey Mouse was like Eli seeing a celebrity walk down the street.

He had a few minutes to talk to him. He was so excited!

He is so cute dancing, ha!

This is the scenery from the Cars ride. They did a fantastic job making it feel like you were out in the dessert of Utah. Out of all the rides in the entire park, this one hands down was the best. Also had the longest line.

I’m not sure what deal was made, but Eli sure was happy 🙂

We all got a chance to push Mormor 🙂

Experiencing Disneyland during the holiday’s was new to me. Everything was lit up. It was a fun experience.

This was new to me. I have never seen the tree lighting.

He played hard. Pretty tired as we left the park.

It didn’t take Eli long to get to bed each night. Three days at a theme park, I was pretty tired as well.