Bison Roundup

We had a fun Saturday watching the Bison Roundup at Antelope Island.

Volunteers ( that pay to round up the bison 🙂 ) Come with their horses.  They ride throughout the island and round up the bison.

They round up all bison except for the bulls.  They are too strong and they break the holding pens.

They round up the bison to a large pen.  They let a few come down at a time.

Waiting for the bison to come down.

They used a large front loader to push the bison down.

The veterinarian tags the bison.

They were so loud in the shoot.

holding the bison so the veterinarian can check him out.  Then they release the bison and off they go back to to roam the island.

It was a long fun day.  Eli was getting tired.


But not tired enough to play in the sand.  Lots of sand.


We ended the day at the Burger Bar.  Paul likes their burgers because they have specialty meats like Elk burger, buffalo burger, ostrich burger, alligator burger, and wild boar burger.  The burger of the day was alligator.  Paul didn’t see it until after we ordered.  Too bad, I would have tried a bite of that.