Vigor Half Marathon

Three weeks ago, Mrs. Williams said she is running the Vigor Half for her 100th marathon. 100! Today my marathon total is 14. 🙂 She is so inspiring!

She said her son and a few others are running and I should run as well. I said, if Mrs. Chappell signs up, so will I. We went up stairs to talk to Mrs. Chappell and sure enough, she was signed up.

We woke up at 3:15am to arrive at the buses at 4:30am. A short 13 mile 🙂 ride up the canyon, we arrived at Solitude around 5:00am.

Mrs. Chappell and I crossed the starting line and we were off.

The snow covered mountains made for a beautiful morning, but a bit chilly. The temperature was 33′.

I haven’t been up here in years. Big Cottonwood canyon is a beautiful canyon.

11 miles to go! Ha!

Half way!

We arrived at the S. Mrs. Chappell was fantastic. She was focused throughout the marathon and kept on running. When she was doing her recovery walking, she was power walking. I couldn’t keep up. I had to jog next to her!

We followed the river down and it was roaring!

Without cars on the road, the canyon was so quiet. All we could hear were the birds and the river. It was pretty nice.

This is the first time running down the canyon. Driving down a lot of the scenery is missed. I was able to really look at details in the mountains, the rocks, the buds on the trees. I enjoyed the 13 miles.

A cave. That was fun.

Mile 10. We finished our warm up and started our 5K. 🙂

Mile 12 we met up with Paul and Eli.

Eli was running with Mrs. Chappell. 🙂

This path was fun 🙂

And we made it! Crossing the finish line!

Mrs. Williams was there to cheer us over the line.

Mrs. Williams son taking the picture. He carries the American flag down every marathon he runs.

3:11. We would have been in earlier if we didn’t have to wait for the light to change from red to green to cross the street. 🙂

After the race we stopped at Kneaders for French toast and then WannaCinn for a cinnamon roll.

What did Paul and Eli do while we were running? They went out to breakfast. Eli was so excited to tell me about his grilled cheese sandwich and fries. The fry sauce was his favorite and I have to go back with him and try it. We will have to put this restaurant on our Monday luncheon list. 🙂