Popcorn tree

I looked out the window and what did I see?

Popcorn popping on the apricot tree.

I can take an arm full and make a treat. A popcorn ball that will smell so sweet. 🙂

It wasn’t really so, but it seemed to me… Okay, so I changed up the lyrics a bit 🙂

Spring has sprung!

My tulips are looking beautiful!

Including this one hiding. Not sure how he got in here.

Even the chicks are out today. Saw these little ones on my run this morning. I love you spring!!!

Happy Easter!

The Easter bunny had fun hiding eggs this year.

I think the Easter bunny has more fun hiding than Eli has finding!

Lots of eggs all over the house.

When Eli got up, he ran around the house finding all of them.

Some were easy to find.

Others were a challenge.

Eli looked everywhere! 🙂

Then he had to find his basket. He loved going through it!

A carrot? 🙂

Out of his basket full of treats, the hunt of filled eggs, the three mini cars he found in three eggs were his favorite!

We saw my parents, but we stayed in the car.

We went home and had an Easter dinner with just the three of us. Short and simple, many wonderful memories!

Bear Canyon Suspension Bridge

Paul asked if I had ever been the the Bridge in Draper. Bridge? What bridge? I have never heard of one so we decided to check it out.

It was a beautiful day! We could see clear across the valley and see the snow capped mountains.

We started out at the Orson Smith Trailhead and headed up the mountain. This hike is a short 2.3 mile loop.

Almost there! It’s only the beginning of April so the terrain is quite dry and dull. The spring leaves haven’t come out yet, but it was still an enjoyable hike.

We did see some colorful wild flowers.

Made it!

This bridge was very popular with lots of hikers. More than I expected. Even with being the first of April, the sun baked the mountain and was quite hot out. But seeing the bridge out in the middle of the mountain was kind of fun and worth hiking in the heat.

Easter Eggs

We started out the day with a bike ride through the river bottoms.

It’s a fun little trail with lots of bridges.

That afternoon we colored eggs.

We used fresh eggs from a neighbor. It’s hared to see in the picture, but we had a mixture of white, light blue, and light green eggs. We already had nature colored eggs 🙂

Eli really enjoyed this. Not to turn eggs a different color, but to play in water. Colored water!

We showed Eli how to use a clear crayon to draw on the egg. He thought it was pretty fun to be secretive on what he wrote on the egg, dunk it in colored water and reveal his secret message.

We purchased a spinning thing. I don’t know what it’scalled. You put a few drops of dye in the bottom, put the egg in and spin it. It’s supposed to make the egg look tie dye.

Lots of egg dying, and lots of fun. Lots of memories made!

2020 Pandemic-March

I was reading my great grandmothers Journal. Inga wrote, in 1918 after World War I ended, there was a terrible kind of influenza around the world. They called it ‘The Spanish Sickness’. She experienced it in Norway. She described the sickness as ‘grownups were vulnerable’ just like today! Her husband, Olav, was the first to come down with the sickness, and she was next. She said her fever soared, her eye sight was blurry and she lost her hair. The physician told her mother there wasn’t anything he could do for her, and he needed to leave to tend to other patients that had a better chance of living than she did. She asked the missionaries for a blessing. They came and blessed her. They said she would be well if she kept the Lords commandments and particularly keeping the word of wisdom. She lived through that pandemic, another World War, drove horse and buggy and then gas vehicle, and saw man stand on the moon! She lived until the age of 99.

When we heard little about what was going on in China about Covid, we didn’t think anything of it. We didn’t think it would come over and affect us the way it has.

March 12. My day started out like any other day. I ran my miles.

I went to Sam’s to grocery shop and I saw empty palettes. I thought that was strange, so I kept shopping….

More empty palettes. Every isle I went down was empty. It was kind of a scary feeling. I called Paul and asked him if he knew what was going on. He didn’t know, but other people on his team were getting calls from their wives about full parking lots and empty shelves.

I picked up my mom and we went to another grocery store and this is what we saw.

Packed with people and everyone with packed shopping carts. Every isle was full of people and slowly the shelves were emptying.

That evening, Paul went to the grocery store next to our house and saw an empty space where shopping carts were stored.

Empty shelves.

Lines to check out were miles long.

We haven’t seen stores packed like this.

Check out. Kind of eerie.

This is March 14. Still out of everything. People panic shopped for 2 days now and cleared out the stores of everything.

Store workers just left palettes in the isles and instead of putting it away, they let people pick away at it.

March 20. Panic shopping has calmed down and the shelves are starting to be stock up again.

Starting to stock up.

What is going on at the store? My sales have slowed drastically. The health department closed all restaurant seating. Customers can still come in, make their sandwich, they just can’t stay and eat.

What has changed with the family? Eli goes to a private school so while the school districts have sent all students home, Eli’s school is still up and running. We have decided to keep him home 3 days out of the week and home school like we have done in the past.

Paul? This is his commute.

This is his work station. Set up to work from home for the rest of the month. I had him shut off his work monitors, but during the day, all 4 monitors including his laptop is on 🙂

march 23. Stores are almost back to normal. They have limits on everything.

March 28. News came out saying they are finding Covid on the floors, so panic started hitting the cleaning isles and shelves started emptying of all cleaning products.

At the store? March 29. One customer today so we closed early. We cut back on our open hours and we closed the store on Sundays.

Next day the Health department closed all fast food lobbies. I now have to act as a drive thru. We are now 80% loss in sales. Have I cried? I may have lost it a few times. Not sure how we are going to pay our $4,000 rent next month.

Random things I want to remember

Just a bunch of random things that happened in March that I want to remember. Things like….

Coming over to my parents house and seeing my father money laundering. I asked him why he is ironing money and he said it was wrinkled. Okay 🙂

Eli coming home from skiing.

Going for a walk in the mountains. It was pretty crowded and everyone and their goat? was up there…

Look at the math my preschooler is doing. What kind of math will he be working on in when he gets into kindergarten?

Asking Eli why there is a dead roly poly on my counter…

This didn’t happen in March, but this is so good, this video will make the remember this posts for a long time!

Monday Lunch

This is what we woke up to.

13′. Freezing!

I skipped running and went to pick up Aaron for our Monday lunch.

Chubby’s cafe. It was pretty good. Fries and fry sauce were worth coming back for. They also have a peach cobbler with ice cream, and that was very tasty.

After we went to Harmons to pick up dessert. We tried cakes de fleur

It must have been old. The icing was fantastic, but the cake was very heavy and dry.

Another fun Monday lunch!

Cooking Class

It’s a good thing I went running this morning…

Because Paul and I took a cooking class today and we ate a LOT.

Paul and I frequent an Italian restaurant, Siragusa’s. Every time we go we kept saying we would like to take a cooking class from them, because they have delicious food!

This is the owner and chef of Siragusa’s.

Paul talked to him and asked him if he would make cannoli for dessert. He said he would, so we immediately signed up for the class.

This is so delicious. With all the recipes I have found and tried, this one has different ingredients and wouldn’t have thought about putting them together. Nope. Not sharing the recipe 🙂 I will bring it to family functions and social gatherings and have the best dessert there!

Monday Lunch

Today’s lunch we drove to Ogden and went to Brixton’s. It’s a baked potato place. You name it, it’s on a potato.

Eli enjoying the view while eating lunch.

I had a veggie potato. Lots of cheese, broccoli, carrots, and corn. Very tasty!

Aaron did’t want a potato. He went with a breakfast sandwich. Egg and bacon.

After lunch we went to Topper bakery. A little sketchy neighborhood 🙂 We were in and out quite quickly. We have been here before and that is why we have been back. Their mint brownies are wonderful! We tried their donut holes this time. They were so good, not one made it home for Paul to try.

This was a fantastic Monday lunch!