
We continue our mini vacation to Rockport.

We stayed in Riverside campgound. And we will never stay here again. Why??

We thought we were staying in the campground across the lake. Nope.

Further to the dam.


Yup. That is where we stayed. In the dust bowl. Windy, dusty, windy, and windy.

Oh, and the name and description of the campground, riverside? Yeah, that was code for spillway that leads to a river.

Why not go fishing? We are camped here.

While Paul and Eli did a little fishing…

I enjoyed my lunch.

I sure love my little boy.

Strawberry Reservoir

Strawberry reservoir is one of our favorite places to fish. I think it’s because last year, Paul fished out a kokanee salmon and we cooked it up that evening. The best salmon we have ever had.

Enjoying the blue water and clear skies. The last time we were here the Dollar Ridge fire started. The campgroun was only a few miles away from the blaze.

This was last year. We watched the helicopters come and go dipping their buckets in the lake and pouring water over the fire.

The fire department stayed in the same campground with us. Made us feel a little safer 🙂

We enjoyed a relaxing trip on the boat.

We did a little fishing.

We did a little hiking.

We did a LOT of eating 🙂 We are really enjoying our few days off and being together as a family.

Heber Half Marathon

Ferelyn and Court arrived at the campground to pick me ut at 4:00am so we could get to the buses by 4:30.

We made it to the starting line at 5:00am. It was VERY cold. I wore my running jacket and long-sleeved shirt. Ferelyn and Court dropped their jacket before the run, and I will do the same if I run this race again. I will also run in a short-sleeved shirt. It was VERY hot for the last 7 miles in the valley.

We were standing in front of the fire trying to keep warm.

No pictures during this race. Court ran ahead of us and Ferelyn said she would run with me and wouldn’t leave me behind.

They advertise this as a fast marathon, and it was fast! Two miles into the race, Ferelyn said, “see you at the bottom.” 🙂 And ran ahead to finish the race with her personal record of an hour and a half, something crazy like that. They are both great runners!

At the finish line.

I finished 2:15. Not bad for having a food injury and only being able to run for a month before this race. The 7 miles down hill didn’t hurt my time either. 🙂

We moved out of the Lodgepole campground and drove further up the canyon to Strawberry Reservoir and stayed in Soldier Creek campground. This is our favorite campground to stay in. Trees, shade, and close to the water.

Back at the trailer, my muscles were getting VERY tight and stiff. This blue roller was the only thing I brought with me. Every hour I rolled every hurty muscle. 🙂

That’s my boy!

I was starving after my run. Grilled tuna sandwich, grapes, chips, and avocado with everything bagel seasoning. Lots of protein to help with my achy muscles.

Mountains and trees are for little boys.

Lots of playing and riding the scooter.

That night for dinner: Salmon, squash, and corn on the cob in foil packets.

After dinner we had smores. This is how I like smores. Chocolate, marshmallow, and another piece of chocolate. Who needs graham crackers?

Camping out in Heber

My first marathon of the year came quick. I am NOT ready for it. With my foot injury I was only able to train for a month.

Ferelyn and Court said they would run the race with me. I told them it won’t be a good race, but they wanted to come anyway. I’m so glad they wanted to run because I am so nervous to run with my foot.

I picked up all our bibs.

Since the race was up in Heber, we decided to pull the trailer and get away for a few days and do some camping, hiking, and boating.

We pulled into our camping spot. We stayed in Lodgepole campground. This campground was about 10 miles from the starting line. It was nice to be so close so we didn’t have too far to drive to get to the race tomorrow. We have to be at the buses by 4:30am so they can bus us up to the top of the mountain.

Ferelyn and Court are staying at moms house. They have an hour drive tomorrow and then they have to get me! It was so nice of them to let Paul and Eli sleep.

We had fun walking around the campground.

I love my little boy.

This campground was very pretty. Very green and VERY buggy.

Very nervous for tomorrow! Hopefully I can get a few hours sleep!

Another store sold

This is a bitter sweet day. I really liked this store. It was cute and easy to run. The employees were great and I will really miss them.

This will be the last time I get work done in this store. I had to have my celebratory cookie and complimentary milk out of the bottle case 🙂

I am sad. Eli had fun helping employees prep. He also LOVED doing the dishes. He loved to spray the sprayer in the 3 compartment sink.

This will be Eli’s last time making a sandwich for himself. Well, at this store. We do still have our large store…

As part of the celebration, we went out to dinner. Cucumber and avocado Sushi with some white creamy sauce and eel sauce.

I went to my favorite bakery. Mrs. Bakers and picked up a tasty cake to celebrate.

With all the good and bad that came with running 5 stores, it feels pretty good to sell. It’s time to be a full time stay at home mom.

Welcome little bees!

Finally, we received the bees for our little hive. We had to wait a while because of the weather. It has been in the 50’sand it needs to be in the 60’s to open the hive or else the bees would get cold. If they get cold, the new brood will get chilled.

Paul purchased his beehives from Eco Bee Box. This is a picture inside the shop. It’s a cute little place.

The owner, Albert, has a lot of everything in his store 🙂 Lots of wax, candles, and lots of flavors of honey. Just ask, he will let you have a taste 🙂

Instead of purchasing 10,000 bees and a queen bee, Paul wanted to raise his own queen bee.

Wood to block the bees from coming out of the hive while we drive home 🙂

On the pole. Their new home!

Paul purchased brood (bee eggs) and bees. The bees in the hive detect there isn’t a queen bee so they turn one of the eggs into a queen.

How? By feeding the larvae royal jelly. The bee’s body can create royal jelly, wax, and honey.

We removed the wood and let them explore their new home!

Crazy weather

What is crazy about Utah, is it seems to hail a lot lately. I posted HERE with hail the size of a quarter that left hail damage on my car.

It hailed so much, it looked like snow. Another funny thing about this storm, my parents live 6 miles away, and they didn’t get rain or hail. They had sunny blue skies!

Feeding the bees

Paul checked on the bees a few days ago and the bees drank the bags dry so he had to put a few more bags in the hive.

Due to the bees eating so much, we decided to remove the bags and install a bee feeder.

We filled the bottom part of the feeder with sugar water.

Snap on the top to the bottom. The bees walk down those tubes to the water, eat and walk back up.

Out to the pasture we went.

Like all great parents do, we brought our 4 year old to the hive. You know, to heighten the danger-factor. So I dressed him up in the bee gear.

He of course is not afraid of bees. He doesn’t understand they sting and he doesn’t understand what a sting is.

We opened the hive, removed a row of frames and installed the bee feeder.

The bees are busy!

We have to feed the bees for a few more weeks until the flowers around them bloom and start to produce pollen and nectar.

Only a few minutes of the feeder being in the hive, several bees found it so I think the feeder will be a success.

Bring your son to work day

I had to go into work today. One of my managers needed the day off and I have my area manager busy at another store. Instead of leaving Eli with my parents, I brought him to work with me. I’m glad I brought him because we were able to have lunch together.

Eli loves coming to work with me because he gets to make his own sandwich. He really loves the gloves!

All the choices!

After lunch he helped me clean up. He thinks this is fun, my employees think this is work!

I love spending time with my little boy. I’m so blessed to have him close by me everyday!

Quick check on the bees

Went to check on the bees to see how they were doing. Looks like they are already making comb.

They were happy little bees flying around. I think they like their new home.