Walking in the Mesozoic Era


After the race Paul wanted to go for a hike. I did NOT want to go. Neither did Eli. I pushed my sore feet into my hiking boots, packed some muffins, cheetos, bottled water and off we went.

We drove to Red Fleet Dinosaur Trackway Trailhead and started our 2 mile hike to the reservoir.

To mark the trail they painted dinosaur foot prints on the rocks. I told Eli they were real to motivate him to keep hiking to the next print. How else do you motivate a 7 year old to keep walking?

Those tracks kept him busy for the full 2 miles!

A few wild flowers along the way.

The cactus in this area was different. Little circle clumps.

Vernal is very beautiful.

Love the rocks.

Making our way to the reservoir.

If I had known it was going to be two miles of stair stepping, I would have kept my knee braces on. This trail was NOT flat. Lots of rocks and boulders. My knees were crying.

When we came to the reservoir we walked across a large flat rock that sloped into the water. We started searching for prints.

What to look for? We thought every little crack was a track and then we found one. Dilophosarus track!

And then many. Some were indented in the rock.

About six tracks walking toward the reservoir. When the sun went behind the clouds, the tracks illuminated and we saw many!

Look Eli! Dinosaur tracks!!

Look, Mommy! I’m on an Island!!

Little boys and water. It didn’t take him long before he lost interest in finding tracks and made his way into the water.

After running 13 miles and then hiking 4 more miles a few hours later was not fun. While searching for tracks and walking in the Mesozoic era just as the dinosaurs walked, I forgot about my feet and knees. It was pretty cool. I’m glad we did it.

Dino Half Marathon

After the bees were taken care of, we jumped in the car and headed to Vernal!

When we arrived we were hungry and needed to find something that wasn’t too greasy. Not a lot of restaurants to choose from, we ended up at Denny’s. Salmon, mashed potatoes, and broccoli to go. We grabbed food and went to the hotel to check in and eat. Either I was starving, or we ended up with someone who cooked a great salmon. It was surprisingly very good. Paul was delightfully surprised with his dinner as well.

The next morning we were at the bus at 6:00am. On top of Dry Fork Canyon by 6:20am. We had an hour to freeze before the race started. I drank my peach smoothie Paul made for me. I wasn’t going to have him make it due to us being out of town, but I couldn’t risk not having it. I packed the nutriBullet and Paul blended my smoothie this morning at 5:30am.

Mile 1! Lots to go.

Mile 5. The missionaries were there handing out water and powerade. I choked down powerade at each station so I could ration my bottle of pedialyte/ gatorade mixture to make it to the end of the race.

Want a picture with these beautiful mountains? Yes, I need a rest…er, I mean, Yes. I would like a picture with this nice back drop. 🙂

Next water stop. The sister missionaries.

Can’t forget this sister 🙂

Our cheering section. Blurry, but on the left is Dad, Lulu, Mom, Paul, Gage, Rin, and Eli. Court left us long ago. He was waiting for us at the finish line for a while now 🙂

I was almost walking at this point. Mile 1o was brutal with another gradual hill and then the wind! I wanted to give in. Then Eagle Mountain guy (20 years older than me!) showed me up by passing me, and saying hello. I sped up just a little bit, but I didn’t have anything left to give. If I push it, I will not finish. Ferelyn encouraged me the whole way. If she wasn’t running with me, I would have stopped to walk miles ago. She said this is going to be her last year running. Now what am I going to do? I’m not strong enough to motivate myself during races.

I finished 2:20. I am very pleased with my time. This was a challenging race. Lots of rolling hills. Not many consecutive down hills. Again, this was another canyon that went up instead of down!!

This was a hard race to prepare for and I was NOT ready for it. You name it, it stopped me from running. It was either the snow, cold weather, ankle issues, sinus infections, vertigo, or insomnia. I’m thrilled to just make it to the finish line.

Almost time for the kids fun run to begin.

I asked Gage to stay with the two littles and he said, “No. I’m out to win it!”

This little boy in front of Eli was crying the whole race. Eli helped him during the race and now at the end. I felt like that little boy crying during my race, ha!

Finished! Gage took 3rd!

After the race we drove by our old house. The neighborhood has grown, but it’s still the cute, quite street I remember.

Crazy enough, I’m thinking of running this one again.

Swarm of Bees

My parents arrived at our house to pick up Paul so we could carpool to Vernal. Just as they finished packing the car, Paul received a phone call letting him know our bees have swarmed.

We knew this was coming. One of our hives was over flowing with bees. They were bearding on the outside of the hive and thousands of bees were on the ground next to the hive.

Paul went out and put another box on top hoping the would go up instead of out.

Well, the box didn’t work. The bees packed up and headed out.

They swarmed from the pasture to the bush in Paul’s parents backyard.

Paul grabbed his bee suit, a hive box, and they all went over to his parents house to gather the swarm.

With a shake, they went into the box. Easy as that 🙂

20,000-25,000 bees?

Their new home. Paul plugged the entrance so they can’t leave. They need to get used to their new home. If the entrance isn’t plugged, they will pick up and fly away again.

Eli’s 7th Anniversary

Seven years ago today we were at the Salt Lake Temple. Sealed together as a family.

This year we went to the Timpanogos temple to celebrate.

This sign was a little closer to the temple.

Planning for today I asked Little Pea what he wanted for his anniversary treat. He wanted Kneaders raspberry cheesecake pie. Sounds good! I could go for one of those. I Jumped online to order and their price drastically went up. They wanted $25.00! Hmm…I will have to figure out how to make one.

Why not make them cute! So, I made individual pies. I used different tips for the whipped cream. The one looks very sloppy. Eli saw them in the fridge and couldn’t wait to eat one.

His gift was smaller this year, can’t do a bike every year 🙂 We gave him a watch. An analog watch. He loved it!

He kept asking us to ask him what time it was, ha! I love this boy so much.

After the gift, we ate our pies. I have to say, they were really good. 🙂

It’s been a while since we have been to this temple. It’s beautiful. They are all beautiful.

We love you, Little Pea!!

Monday Luncheon

Today’s lunch we went to Sergio’s. A new pizza place that just opened.

I should have taken a picture, but I didn’t document this lunch very well. When you walk in, you stand in front of all the premade pizzas. They don’t look very good, because they are cold. When you pick out your slice (huge slice) of pizza, they warm it in their oven.

I didn’t get a picture of our pizza, but Eli chose the cheese pizza with garlic knots. Ours was okay, the knots were really good. The picture above is dad’s pizza of chicken and broccoli. It was good.

Aaron purchased a bunch of knots with sauce for all of us to eat. They were really good. I would go back for just the knots.

The dessert, not so much. I had a cannoli. First of all, this was a very tiny cannoli. I cut off one end and gave it to Eli. Mom wanted a piece, so I cut the other end and gave it to her. That left the middle for me. NO cream in the middle. Just crust. Not too impressed. Won’t be back for those.

Always fun on Monday!

April Fools

Started the day out right.

Yesterday was April Fools. Today Eli got the hang of it 🙂 I asked him to make his bed. I went in and saw this. An unmade bed. I asked him to make his bed. Eli laughed and said, “April fools!” What??

He made his bed inside out 🙂

Eli made his own breakfast this morning.

He gave me my annual bunch of blossoms. Or, popcorn from the apricot tree! 🙂

Snow! On my tulips. Spring is on its way!

The Wind is Out of Control!

This is all I could do today. The winds were so strong.

Alexa said the winds were 24.2 mph!

I came home and ate breakfast with the village people.

I cleaned up a glow stick mess. This is a picture with the lights off. With the lights on? Nothing. Clean. Off? Glowing 🙂 Even the towel I was using to clean it up was glowing, ha!

Eli’s friend came over to play. They are playing Luigi’s mansion.

They got scared 🙂 I love it!

I love that I find Eli’s toys everywhere. I am blessed that I have a dump truck parked in my flower bed.

This is what we hear while Eli is brushing his teeth. He is always singing. By the time I could find my phone to record, I missed the best part. And yes. I cleaned the dirty door frame. I’m blessed that I get to clean a door frame as well! 🙂

Oh, that boy makes me laugh!

Lazy-ish Saturday

I woke up early to run. 16′!

My first long run of the year.

When I got home, Paul wanted to go for a short hike.

We found snow.

When we got home from our hike I got busy cleaning the house. I then walked in on these two! So, I jumped in with them! We watched…I mean, Eli watched a movie while Paul and I napped next to him.

I love these lazy days.

What Happened in February?

Paul and I went to another cooking class at Siragusa’s.

Tasty as always. Today was vegetarian lasagna roll ups.

I have vertigo. Again. Dad has been taking us to school for the last week. It’s been kind of fun having him drive for us, but I would like to drive with him without the misery of vertigo. Eli took this picture. He captured Lulu perfectly.

We met up with the builder and the architect at the property. It was pretty fun to drive up to our future house and have 2 feet of snow.

Eli loved it. After leaving the property we were pretty excited to get this project started.

Eli had a few days off school so we did quite a bit of shopping. I know we have been to too many stores when I turn to find Eli acting like a mannequin. Look at his feet and facial expression. He has this acting thing down!

I wanted to make this bag for some time now. So I quickly sewed it during half time while watching the Super Bowl. I need to finish the face, but not bad for 1/2 hour of work.

February flew by. March 1, I will buckle down and start training for the up coming marathon.