Ice Castles

We went for an afternoon drive to Dairy Keen for lunch and then to Midway to see the Ice Castles.  So much fun!

So many tunnels and pathways to explore.

Ice Everywhere!

Including several ice slides.

Coming out of the slide.

Eli had a lot of fun exploring.

There was a double ice slide that was really fun.  We may have gone down it 30 times.

The end of the tunnel.

Lots of icicles, but it is an ice castle 🙂

After the ice castles we went to dinner for a crepe and ice cream at one of the local restaurants.  Eli was till hungry so we went BACK to Dairy Keen for a second dinner.  My boy eats more than the both of us and he is only 4!  I don’t want to see our grocery bill when he is 10!


I found this in my pantry today.

A tennis ball.  I asked Eli what it was doing in there.  He said he put it there for when Heavenly Father brings Charlie back, he will have a toy to play with.

My mama heart melted and I had to push back tears.  I have such a sweet boy!

Over his short life he has had many names: Mr., Charlie, Charles, Chuck, Char Char, Char Char Binks.

We sure miss Charlie.


Little bird at soccer

Eli had another great day playing soccer.  He scored another goal.  Again, he didn’t know he scored a goal, but he kicked the ball down the field and made it into the net!  No video of course 🙂

But we did get video of the little bird.   This kid on the opposite team would come over and open his mouth like a little bird and his father would put a gummy worm in his mouth.  Mom and I couldn’t stop laughing.  This happened throughout the whole game!  I finally asked Paul to video it 🙂

Mormor comes to every game!


Lunches at the prison

Went to our usual lunch at the prison and this sign greeted us.  New always means increased prices.

New menu and new prices.

They took away the breakfast items.  Not a lot on the menu that is vegetarian.  We had grilled cheese sandwich with french fries.  Not very original and very greasy.

With the prices up and now the menu being just like any other burger joint, we agreed that we may not be frequenting Serving Time.   Pretty sad.  We really enjoyed coming and looked forward to the beginning of the week.  We will have to find some place new.

Working late

This picture was taken at 3:58am this morning.

Count the boxes…. Yup, 47 of them.  47  3 feet sandwiches.  That is 141 feet of bread that we had to bake!

We started at 4pm yesterday evening.

We kept feeding the oven and proofer with bread.

We had bread everywhere!  This is only a little bit of what we baked.  Every counter had bread on top.  All the bread cabinets were full of either bread ready to go into the proofer or baked bread.

Every time the oven timer went off I heard, “George, where am I going to put bread this time!”  🙂

We worked as fast as we could throughout the night.   We did have a dinner break, and around midnight we had to take an hour or so to take care of an emergency.  I cut my finger quite severely and had to find band-aids.  I’m not up this late very often…ok…never up this late.  We had a hard time finding a store that was open 24 hours.

My dad kept up with the box making and rearranging the fridge to make sure we had enough room for 47 boxes!

He wouldn’t smile for me.

Around 2:00am I was getting pretty tired.   My feet hurt even with wearing my old woman compression socks.

Always keeping a full oven and proofer.

Cutting bread.  Again.

Sandwich after sandwich!

We do work well with each other.  My mom kept the bread coming.  As soon as one sandwich was done, more bread was on the table waiting to be assembled.

3:00am. We still had more sandwiches to build!

Still no smile 🙂

3:58am and we are done!

I forgot to take a picture of the walkin.  It was stuffed!  My dad worked hard all night trying to get every box to fit.

Happy Birthday

Paul wanted to celebrate his birthday by taking Eli sledding.  A quick trip to my parents for a sledding inner tube and we were set.

It snowed very little yesterday, but we had enough to make it down the hill several times.

It was 14′ out there.  It was frigid!

Eli had a great time and even let us have a turn.



We came home and put Eli to bed.  He was exhausted running up the hill 80 times.  So, it was just the two of us for birthday apple pie and homemade ice cream.

Happy Birthday!

Spelling and writing skills

Eli is improving on his writing skills and today he surprised me on his spelling.  He told me he wanted to write CAT.  So he did!  He sounded out the word sound by sound and wrote each letter.

So we continued on with other words.

Eli missed the cut off date to get him into kindergarten so he will have to wait two more years. I’m going to have to work harder to find a school that will let him in early. He is doing so well academically, I don’t want to slow him down. I’m going to have to bake a turkey for the school admission people. Hmm… I need to start learning how to bake a turkey… Or bake any type of meat…