Eli’s 7th Anniversary

Seven years ago today we were at the Salt Lake Temple. Sealed together as a family.

This year we went to the Timpanogos temple to celebrate.

This sign was a little closer to the temple.

Planning for today I asked Little Pea what he wanted for his anniversary treat. He wanted Kneaders raspberry cheesecake pie. Sounds good! I could go for one of those. I Jumped online to order and their price drastically went up. They wanted $25.00! Hmm…I will have to figure out how to make one.

Why not make them cute! So, I made individual pies. I used different tips for the whipped cream. The one looks very sloppy. Eli saw them in the fridge and couldn’t wait to eat one.

His gift was smaller this year, can’t do a bike every year 🙂 We gave him a watch. An analog watch. He loved it!

He kept asking us to ask him what time it was, ha! I love this boy so much.

After the gift, we ate our pies. I have to say, they were really good. 🙂

It’s been a while since we have been to this temple. It’s beautiful. They are all beautiful.

We love you, Little Pea!!

Eli’s 6th Anniversary

Six years ago today, we were sealed as a family.

And this is today!

Paul trying to get Eli to smile properly. He is in this weird smile phase.

There we go! Now if we can get the daffodils to be lively 🙂 We missed bulb season by 2 weeks. Next year we will have to take pictures at the temple a few weeks early 🙂

It was VERY busy at the temple today. There were two weddings, one at each end of the temple so we couldn’t get many pictures.

It was also VERY bright 🙂

We couldn’t open our eyes and look at the camera for long. One, two, three…and we opened our eyes. 🙂 Hoping to get a picture of all three of us and the temple in the background. This will have to do!

We ate lunch at the temple.

We picked up dessert from Avenue Bakery. Eli picked the cannoli.

I picked the cheesecake. Paul, I didn’t get a picture of him…he but he got a jelly filled donut. 🙂

He opened a few gifts and loved all of them, until….

We got home and he saw his new bike. He LOVED the bike! Eli, said it was, “the best anniversary ever!”

It’s been 6 years since he came to our family, and I still cry at the temple every year. We are so blessed to have Eli in our family.

Eli’s 5th Anniversary

Five years ago we were sealed as a family. Time has flown!

Every year we do something special for his anniversary and try to make it memorable for him. I didn’t know this little boy remembered last year. He told me he remembered the pouring rain causing me to slip up the stairs and smashing the cupcakes. He remembered us being a family that day eating dinner outside the temple. I hope he continues to remember these fun anniversaries.

This year we let Eli plan his day. For dinner he chose to go to Nielson’s.

Due to everything being closed, we had to go to a restaurant with a drive thru and it was packed. Look at the drive thru line!

After dinner we went to Harmons to pick up his cake. They decorated it just as Eli instructed. It was too cute to have a 5 year old describe all the flowers and colors he wanted and what he wanted it to look like. I wish I got it on video.

This is one happy boy! He was so excited and couldn’t believe they made a cake just for him! We packed up the cake and headed out to the temple.

This year we went to the Oquirrh temple.

Our little Pea!

The temple grounds were closed this year with everything that is going on, so we only we could take were outside the temple gates. This year was also simple with just dinner and cake, but I hope he remembers today.

Love you little Pea! Thank you for coming to our family and making us a family of 3!

Eli’s 4th Anniversary

Today is Eli’s anniversary of being sealed to us in the temple. It’s been four years, but I still get emotional every time I think about it.

Today was a VERY wet day. It didn’t just rain, it poured! We went to two stores to get ready for our picnic and every time we got out of the store to head to the car it poured rain. We were soaked when we got to the car.

We stopped off at the Sweet Tooth Fairy for cupcakes. Just as we left the store, it started raining so we ran to the car. As we ran up the stairs, I slipped and fell. My elbow hit the cement and my hand landed in the cupcakes. 🙂

We packed a fun lunch of chicken and apple croissant sandwiches and the standard picnic potato salad. With only a few items I couldn’t figure out why the basket was so heavy. When I opened it, this is what I found… Eli packed his cars and trucks. 🙂

I love this little boy!

Off to the Oquirrh Temple. We were having fun taking MANY selfies of the three of us and trying to get Eli to smile normal.

Many pictures like this. 🙂

After having fun with selfies and trying to get the three of us, Eli to smile properly, AND get the temple, a couple offered to take our picture. Eli didn’t want anyone to take his picture.

We enjoyed walking around the temple grounds looking at all the flowers. It’s the end of the tulip season, but they were still so beautiful.

Had fun in the fountain.

With the thousands of adoptive parents and only a hundred children to adopt, it’s still amazing to me that we found our son. Our birth mother read many profiles and at the end it was between us and other couple. I’m so blessed she picked us to be Eli’s parents!

My cute little boy. He is always laughing and goofing off!

We set up chairs for our picnic.

He opened his gift.

We started to eat, and the thunder rolled in. Moments later…

Pouring again. So we finished our picnic in the car.

Our sad cupcakes.


Love you little pea.