Monday Luncheon

Woke up to a rainy day washing away my blossoms! 🙂

Today’s Monday lunch is at Sagato. Sagato Bakery and Café is a bakery inspired by the foods of New Zealand, Australia and the Polynesian region of the Pacific.

Mom and I tried the pies. I had the Chicken, had to pick out all the chicken, and mom had the meat pie. Very delicious. Very buttery 🙂 I will definitely be back, but not very often due to the high calorie count, but I will be back!

Aaron got the fish and chips. The fish was red snapper. Very good as well! I told Paul that we will have to come here for our Friday family night this week. But, bring the fry sauce! I guess New Zealand doesn’t do sauce. Normally I’m taking fries from Aaron, but this time he was begging me to have a fry, and I just couldn’t do it. Can’t have the fries, without the sauce!

For dessert, this Koko Samoa Bundt Cake came home with me. They had soooo many treats to choose from it was difficult to choose just one. It was good, but not my favorite. I should have taken pictures of what Mom chose. It was a chocolate croissant of some sort. I had a taste of that one and it was really good. When we go back on Friday, I will have to try out another dessert.

After lunch Aaron came with us to not only one TJMaxx, but two! He must have been working from home for the last year and needed to get out! Ha!

But, it’s always fun with him, even though he was quite nervous in my electric car. 🙂 He was watching the number of miles I had, worried that 100 miles wouldn’t get us home 🙂 He asked me to turn off the heater to save an additional 35 miles!

Never a dull moment on Mondays!

Monday Luncheon

Today’s lunch we went to American Fork and tried Avenue Bakery.

I had the brie cheese sandwich. I didn’t get the veggie because I’m not a fan of mushrooms. The employee said the veggie is her favorite out of the entire menu and I should have tried it.

I didn’t care for brie sandwich. Aaron was so sweet, he gave me half of his panini and his was REALLY good, minus the chicken 🙂 I will definitely be back to try the veggie panini.

I will also be back to try this! Looks tasty, right? Raspberry cheesecake. We skipped this because we had plans to go to….

Blox. Dessert Bars. This place was good, and I would return.

Starting from the top. The guy said the pistachio cream cheese cookie was good seller and everyone keeps asking for them. Not sure why 🙂 we didn’t care for it. It was good, but not that good.

The peanut butter chocolate cookie was my runner up. It was good and I would go back for another one. Reminded me of the prison’s, Serving Time Cafe’s bar.

The rice crispy bar. I didn’t try it. Mom and Aaron said it was REALLY good and it was one of their top choices.

The chocolate brownie was all of our favorites. But, it definitely needs ice cream. I would go back for this one, take it home and put some homemade ice cream on it.

We stopped off at Best Buy to help Cindy find a laptop. I ran into this. Microsoft Surface Duo. I need it! It is a foldable phone/ tablet. It folds up and you can put it into your pocket! Your pocket! I sent Paul a picture of this. Mothers Day is coming up… 🙂

Always look forward to Monday to go to lunch!

Monday Luncheon

We drove up to to Park City for todays lunch.

We went to Wasatch Bagel Cafe. They were supposed to have the best bagels in Park City.

Little Pea was on Spring break and off school for the week, so I was pretty excited for him to join us! You can’t go wrong with an egg and cheese bagel sandwich.

We haven’t been to downtown Park City in a few years so we stopped and walked the streets.

Creative outdoor seating. They had heaters in each of these balls.

Drove a few miles to Deer Valley. With the lack of snow this year, I didn’t think the ski resorts would have a enough slow, but we saw a few skiers out there.

For our dessert, we went to the Windy Ridge Bakery.

Everything looked tasty. The employee said the pumpkin ginger heart cookies were the best out of all the desserts.

So we tried two cookies. The chocolate star was a chocolate graham cracker with icing in the middle. The ginger heart cookie was definitely the best one! Soft with creamy icing in the middle. I would definitely come back for these!

They had some delicious looking fruit tarts as well. I was so full from lunch I wasn’t hungry enough to eat one. So when I come back for another ginger cookie, I will try one.

We drove back to Park City and played on the play ground. Eli needed to get his wiggles out for the trip home.

One detour we had to take. We’re looking for some property, so we had to look at the outrageous prices of land. We knew everything would be over priced, bu we had to see what was out here. We found this .24 acres for $1.4 million. Crazy.

Another fun Monday lunch!

Monday Luncheon

Bryan met us at Hires Big H for lunch. I always get the veggie burger with avocado and cheese. I have tried a lot of veggie burgers , and it Utah this place has the best one! Can’t get the fries. Not worth the calories, but other than the fries, you can’t go wrong with anything on the menu. Aaron says all the burgers are really good, I will have to take his word for it 🙂

Dessert today was a bust. We went to the Sweet Spot. I need to document to NOT go here. Nothing sweet in here. It is a Brazilian café. Let’s see, how to describe this café ….first thing, the health department needs to make a stop here and make some changes. We walked in, looked at the dessert case and walked out. Enough said.

Next stop. Family Fun Bakery. Not to put down my cooking skills, but I can make a better cookie than what they had in the case. Won’t be going back here either.

With two down, we just decided to go to Crave. It was getting late and I needed to leave shortly to pick Eli up from school, so we went where we knew they had a good cookie.

We tried the Oreo stuffed cookie and Aaron got the safe chocolate chip cookie. it was good, but I should have gotten the chocolate chip cookie. Next time!

Monday Luncheon

Today’s lunch, we went to Strap Tank.

Strap Tank is a beer brewery. Aaron was showing me what beer he was drinking 🙂

Bryan and Aaron split the pizza. This thing was HUGE. The four of us could have ordered this and still have left overs.

Mom and I split the fish and chips. A very good choice! I would come back here again for the fish and try another pizza.

For dessert we went to Crave.

We each tried a different cookie. Out of all the flavors of cookies, I think the chocolate chip cookie is a good choice. All the flavors were good, but the chocolate chip cookie was the best. When I go back, it will be the chocolate chip cookie for me!

Crazy thing after. I needed to go to a model home to get some house plans I liked. This house was in a 55+ community so I asked mom to pretend she was looking for a house in the community so she could get the plans. She was so funny! I wish I recorded it. She played the role perfectly! I always like touring model homes so it was a perfect ending for today’s lunch.

Monday Luncheon

Started out today with a frigid run. Beautiful morning, but extremely cold!

Today’s Monday lunch we drove to Provo.

We went to Good Moves Cafe.

Today’s lunch was a fun one because Bryan came with! Today was also fun because at Good Move Cafe, you play games while you eat. They had a lot of games to choose from and surprisingly they were clean.

This is so true!

Eli picked out a few fun games while we waiting for our lunch to come. For lunch we had pasta with alfredo. It was really good. I would go back and get it again.

For dessert we stayed in Provo and went to Simply Cheesecake.

And simply it was. Nothing too special. I chose the oreo cheesecake and it was just simple. We each got a different flavor and I thought each cheesecake was just simple. It wasn’t bad, but not good enough to come back.

I’m glad Bryan joined us! Aaron and Bryan were throwing out movie quotes all afternoon and I have forgotten how funny they are, especially when they are together. I hope Bryan will join us throughout the winter.

Monday Luncheon

Today’s Monday luncheon was simple.

But it was special, because Little Pea was able to join us!

After lunch we went to a new place for dessert. We went to Flake.

The most delicious mini pies. They had some hand pies that I think we will have to go back and try!

The three pies we tried was the strawberry, coconut and key lime pies. Hands down the strawberry pie won. It was very tangy and the graham cracker crust was really good.

Always fun to try something new!

Monday Lunch

Today was a very short run. My runs are getting shorter and shorter due to taking care of some work issues.

Our Monday lunch was just lunch in my kitchen using what we had in the house. Bagels turned into tuna melts with smoked Gouda cheese, cottage cheese with fresh pear, and grapes. Not bad for just throwing lunch together.

Today wasn’t a fun Monday lunch because I had to go to work that evening. Paul was my support and had to come with. To be short, it involved an employee termination and the police. While I was taking care of business, Paul and Eli were having fun with mixing drinks!

Monday Lunch

This is what we woke up to.

13′. Freezing!

I skipped running and went to pick up Aaron for our Monday lunch.

Chubby’s cafe. It was pretty good. Fries and fry sauce were worth coming back for. They also have a peach cobbler with ice cream, and that was very tasty.

After we went to Harmons to pick up dessert. We tried cakes de fleur

It must have been old. The icing was fantastic, but the cake was very heavy and dry.

Another fun Monday lunch!

Monday Lunch

Today’s lunch we drove to Ogden and went to Brixton’s. It’s a baked potato place. You name it, it’s on a potato.

Eli enjoying the view while eating lunch.

I had a veggie potato. Lots of cheese, broccoli, carrots, and corn. Very tasty!

Aaron did’t want a potato. He went with a breakfast sandwich. Egg and bacon.

After lunch we went to Topper bakery. A little sketchy neighborhood 🙂 We were in and out quite quickly. We have been here before and that is why we have been back. Their mint brownies are wonderful! We tried their donut holes this time. They were so good, not one made it home for Paul to try.

This was a fantastic Monday lunch!