Five Days at Frye Lake

Watched a few movies as we drove 5 hours to Sinks Canyon State Park in Wyoming. Where it that? Just outside Lander. Where is Lander? Ha! I thought the same thing! 🙂

We arrived at Frye Lake pretty late. This is what we saw.

Eli didn’t hesitate. He was out playing in the water.

A side note for next year: We arrived Thursday night and we were pretty lucky to find a spot to park the trailer. People started rolling in Friday and left Sunday Afternoon. Monday- Wednesday we had the campground to ourselves.

We got up late the next morning and went for a hike to Popo Agie Falls.

This was the most miserable hike I have been on. Hot. Hot. Hot. No shade. Hiking through desert. Hot. Miserably hot. How hot?? Eli summed it up below.

Eli did stop whining after he saw some lady walking her racoon. Yes, a racoon. He was on a leash and everything. Only in Wyoming.

Up and up and up in the heat. We finally came to a river. So the falls must be close?

Kept going up. Just because there is a nice roaring river, didn’t mean it cooled off.

Finally we came to the water fall in the distance. Little Pea was so relieved to make it to the falls.

Then we kept going and found this fun little bridge.

Kept going and we found some pools to play in. That made a little 6 year old all sorts of happy. He just wanted to take his shoes off and get his feet wet. Before we knew it, he was wet waist down.

Several hikers kept asking if this was the waterfall slide. Slide? What slide? So we had to keep going.

And here is the slide. A huge waterfall. People were climbing to the top and sliding down. Eli wanted us to go down. Thought about it. We capped our insurance and we are at 20%, so why not. Thinking again I thought I would break a hip on the way down, so we passed.

This canyon had some beautiful wild flowers.

On the way back…

The trail guide said it was 1.5 miles to the waterfall. They were way off. 1.89 to the falls. I think 1.5 miles was how the crow flies, 1.89 miles is how the hiker hikes on the trail. 🙂

The falls were well worth the hike. I would definitely go again, but early in the morning.

4th of July

Bryan and Shayna invited us to their house for a BBQ and fireworks at the park.

We roasted hot dogs. Shayna’s father grilled hamburgers and vegetarian burgers.

I missed the decorating gene when it was being handed out, so I love coming over to their house. Shayna inspires me to be creative and do more decorating around my home. She is very talented and she uses bright colors everywhere. Her house is so cute inside and out. I just love it!

After dinner we made ‘smores.

Eli sold drinks 🙂

We put on a movie waiting for the sun to go down.

We walked to the park and when we arrived, Shayna’s mother had chairs put up and blankets spread out! She is very thoughtful. It was really nice to lay on while we were waiting for the fireworks to start.

It was a really fun night. Mom and I were reminiscing about the last time we came to the park to see fireworks and it must have been 35 years. Crazy that I can say 35 years ago, ha! Anyway, 35 years ago 🙂 going to Sugar House Park with Mormor and Morfar. It brings back a lot of memories.

Thank you Bryan and Shayna for inviting us over and creating many wonderful memories. Eli said it was the “best night ever!” Not because of being with family, but the Lego movie we watched outside! 🙂

Backpacking with the Mosquitoes

We started our day by stopping off at the Chevron in Kamas to pick up our reserved donuts. The apple fritters are the size of a frisbee!

I failed to take a picture of the trailhead, but we started at Ruth Lake trailhead.

With the drought in the valley, I was surprised it was so green up here. But, I guess it should be green. The snow just melted and its still spring at this elevation.

Same fun bridge we crossed last year. 🙂

This hike is one of my favorites. Very green and wet part of the canyon. The cooler weather made the hike very enjoyable.

One mile up we came to Ruth Lake.

It’s early spring up here. The wildflowers are just blooming. The lily pads don’t have their flowers yet.

We past the lake and then left the trail.

Pulled out the GPS to guide us to the lake. Eli’s favorite electronic. He gets to be the leader and tell us where to hike!

We found a cairn. That’s a good sign! Eli lead us in the right direction!

Came to Liberty Lake.

We followed the river down.

Crossed some big boulders.

And arrived at Jewel Lake.

1.79 mile hike. Eli did wonderful. We only had to carry his pack for .30 miles.

We walked around the lake for a bit looking around for a place to set up camp that wasn’t soggy or full of giant boulders. We hiked up the mountain a little way and this was already set up for us!!

Eli and Paul pulled out the fishing pole and started fishing.

Eli loved all the water skeeters.

The mosquitoes up here were terrible. They just hatched and they were hungry! We didn’t have any mosquito repellant and it was miserable! I set up my mosquito net and Paul’s Father’s day chair and jumped in. I stayed here the rest of the evening. I enjoyed the evening reading my book and eating snacks 🙂

Eli was done with the mosquitoes so he came back to camp jumped in the net with me.

I stayed in the net while Paul and Eli make dinner. The mosquitoes were so bad, all three of us ate in the net.

That night we jumped in our sleeping bags and watched a movie. During the movie I heard a dog bark. We were the only ones at Jewel lake so I dismissed it. Then I heard it again. That wasn’t a domesticated dog. A coyote? They were close!

Was I worried about our safety? Not really, because I know a coyote is afraid of us, but we were in a tent. Would they think we were a threat because they couldn’t see us? So, was I a little nervous? Yes! I mean, the only thing between us and the pack was a paper thin tent. Thin enough to roll up to the size of rolled quarters. Okay, maybe not that small, but you get the point. Not a lot of protection.

About 1/2 hour later they started up again. This time we heard them pretty far away. It’s hard to hear them, and it king of sounds like emergency vehicles, but they are talking to each other.

It was pretty cool to hear them so close to us and again moving father away, making their way across the mountain. Did it make me feel better they were on their way, further away from us? Absolutely!

Did I sleep that night? Nope! I heard every twig break! All. Night. Long.

The next morning we got up and hiked over the ridge to where the coyotes headed last night.

Found their paw print.

More fishing before we head out.

How did we keep Eli busy on the way back for 1.70 miles? Treats every 7 shades. A shade is where a tree shades the trail. Eli counts 7 of these along the trail and we stop for a rest and cheese puffs.

We also play hide and seek with the hand held.

Back at the truck, Eli settled in with his movie. We wore him out!

A quick stop at Kamas Foodtown for mac n cheese, and cheesy potato bites for the ride home!

We all agree this was a beautiful hike and lake and enjoyed our time. We will definitely be back with a gallon of bug spray!

House Plans

For many years I have been gathering house plans waiting for this day to come. Over the years, Paul hasn’t liked the house plans I have been gathering for many years 🙂

One reason Paul hasn’t liked any of the house plans is because many of those house plans have many thousands of feet 🙂 I told Paul, I like the house for the kitchen, not the square footage and we can shrink the size down. Or I like the look of that entry way, or another part of that house to add/modify the smaller square footage house.

Another reason is we don’t agree on color, wood, stone, brick…. You name it, we don’t agree on it.

After we closed on the property, I showed Paul the house I liked and thought would look nice in a rural area. This one is woodsy. Yes, woodsy 🙂 A house that would fit into a wooded area, but yet in a neighborhood. This is what Paul had to say:

Paul: “I like it. How many square feet?”

Me: “40 feet larger than what we agreed on.”

Paul: “I like it.”

The property has a gradual slop, so I chose this for the back of the house.

Paul took one look at this and his exact words were, “We are not building a house that size.”

Me: “Easy there, tiger. It’s just the look of the house, not the square footage.”

Paul: “Oh, Okay. I love it.”

Here is the floor plan that we also agree on. We talked about the few modifications we both want, and crazy enough, we agree on that as well!

The front of the property is narrow, so the the 3rd and 4th car garage will be built on the side toward the back of the property.

Next is landscaping.

Just kidding, Paul. I will go easy on the backyard as well! Love you!!!


After years of wanting to purchase some property and build a new home, we are now in the position to start looking. The stores are sold and we now have the time to continue with our goals in life.

Since March we have been looking everywhere! In the valley, up north, and down south. In each area there were only a few lots to choose from. Those lots were the left over “junk” from what the other builders didn’t want. These were either odd shaped lots, on a cliff or next to a busy road, and all of them were extremely over priced.

Paul kept looking and one morning he found one. It was only on the market for four days so we had to act fast. With the price wars and lots not lasting long, we drove up that afternoon.

When we pulled up to the lot, Eli immediately went out running to explore. The lot was in a beautiful area and quiet. Eli ran around, explored and found the chickens. Both neighbors around the property have chickens and one has a goat.

We knocked on the neighbors door to ask some questions about the lot and neighborhood. The neighbors were extremely nice and Eli ran off with their 4 kids and started to slide down the crazy slide. I have to take pictures the next time we are there. Worry one solved: We were worried Eli wouldn’t have many friends is such a rural area. Not a problem.

A few days later something was bother Paul, but he didn’t know what it was. We were in the process of doing due diligence and the issue of the sewer kept coming up. NO one knew about the sewer. Where it was or where the property was to be hooked up. Paul was on the phone for several days with the city and the two neighboring cities.

Well, no one could find the answer so we had to go and dig. This is what we found…

Just digging our hole trying to find the sewer and two deer come wandering in.

We were sold. We needed the property. We need deer to pass through our property every night.

We needed to make this work. Paul called the city the next day and even called some guy working outside nearby with his shovel to go to the property and take a look to see if he could find the sewer connection, and he did!

Well, we found the issue to the sewer and it’s not hooked up anywhere. Paul’s worry must have been this sewer, because now this was solved, Paul felt good about the property. More negotiations later and the property is ours! We are SOOO excited.

Overnight at Shingle Creek

First backpack trip of the year! It was sure nice to plan a trip and not have to worry about stores or employees. Friday morning we decided to go, so we packed up and left Saturday morning. Easy as that!

For the first backpack overnighter we wanted a quick hike. Nothing too crazy because we knew Eli wouldn’t be able to go very far. We went up Mirror Lake Highway, and hiked up Shingle Creek Trailhead.

Me and my bear spray. Won’t stay the night without it!

Six years ago today, Eli was being carried up and now…

He carries his own pack! Sometimes in front, but at least he is carrying it! 🙂

We brought the hand held radios. These radios are a life saver on the trail. Eli is occupied the whole time. No complaints the whole way up.

Bribery helped as well. 🙂

About 1/3 way up we crossed a fun bridge.

I didn’t notice when I took the picture, but my watch didn’t say the mileage. We hiked about 1.2 miles to our campsite. We took our time and had to look at EVERY ant. 🙂 An hour later we came to the most beautiful clearing and set camp.

Paul made dinner.

We tried a new dinner from Backpackers Pantry. Three cheese mac and cheese. It was good. I still recommend the vegetarian lasagna, which I had for dinner.

Eli loved it. Not sure because it was just noodles and cheese or because he ate out of a bag, ha!

We did try something different. We brought up instant mashed potatoes and a steam zip lock bag. Extremely cheaper that the Backpacker Pantry meals. It worked just fine. We will be doing that again the next trip.

We played some games in the tent and it was lights out.

I need to take a picture of my sleeping bag. The outside says it will keep me alive 🙂 at 15′ . I know it wasn’t near 15′, but the temperature got down there a bit and I was chilled all night. Between the cold, my usual insomnia, and Little Pea waking me up, I think I got about 4.5 hours of sleep. Daylight didn’t come fast enough. How did Paul sleep? He slept fine!

After breakfast we did a little fishing.

Eli was fascinated by the bugs in the water. The water skeeters were his favorite. He also tried to catch the baby fish.

I don’t know what it is with boys and water, but he wanted to get into the river all morning. He started with putting his feet in the water.

Which led to getting into the water. He had so much fun this weekend.

Time to head back.

Eli found a lot of wooden “tools” over the last two days that he had to take home. Although he wanted them, I ended up carrying them. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to carry sticks!

Mother’s Day

Mother’s day was a really wonderful day.

Eli drew another picture for me.

Paul made pumpkin waffles. Yes. He at the whole thing and half of mine!

Went to my parents for dinner. Random, but I have to mention. Look at the ice my parent’s fridge makes! They are balls of ice. Never seen ice like this.

Makes the picture of water look fabulous. I need one. No, not the ice, the fridge!

My mother gave me the most wonderful gift. She is so thoughtful and knows me. Cookie dough mix from Great Harvest. LOVE it. I have the best mom!

It was my mothers birthday as well. She picked up her cake from Mrs. Bakers. I love the icing.

Look at these flowers. They were delicious!

I’m so grateful to be a mom. Paul and I didn’t think it was going to happen. So many long and emotional years and mother’s days in the past. It’s been 6 years since I became a mom and it’s still incredible that I have the opportunity to raise this little boy. This is such a special day for me. I’m so glad I can celebrate it!

Bee Update

Since this is a bee blog, I guess I should have a bee update.

The bees are in.

They seem to be happy. 🙂

Went for my run today. Saw these little guys. It’s spring!

I have upgraded my weights from 10 lb to 15lb. They are heavy! They are giving me a great workout.

Eli came over to workout with me.

My summer slippers arrived! I think they look pretty cute!

Went to another cooking class at Siragusa’s.

The chef.

We learned how to make wedding soup.

Fettuccine alfredo.

For dessert, cannoli cupcakes. Fabulous dinner. Can’t wait for their next cooking class.

Field Trip

Every day for the last week Eli has been asking Alexa, “Alexa, how many days till April 20th?” And today finally came!

Look at that face! He was so excited to go to the farm, and ride the bus!

How did Eli get the goose egg on his forehead?

The night before he was playing with his monster truck that had a pointy end. Every night Eli would put this truck on the head board of his bed. Paul kept telling him it was going to fall and moved it every night. Well, tonight he didn’t move it and it fell on him. Eli wanted to see what it looked like… 🙂

We went to the farm at Thanksgiving Point. I didn’t know they had a farm 🙂 The last time I was here, I ran the Thanksgiving point 1/2 marathon and haven’t been back since, so this was fun.

We were in charge of these 4. They were so cute!

Two stressed out people trying to watch four 6 year olds. 🙂 It was fun and I’m glad we volunteered, but I sure was glad it was for only 1.5 hours. That was enough! I have a lot of respect for his Kindergarten teachers!

Eli loved the farm, but I think he really liked being with his friends. He is my social butterfly.

See! He is only 6 and socializing with the girls. 🙂 He actually thought this little girl was cute since the first day of school. So when he found out she was in our group, he was extremely excited.

This little boy was a sweet one as well. He was by Eli’s side the whole time.

The four of them LOVED the carriage ride. We had to ride it twice.

I was thrilled to have the opportunity to come with Eli on his field trip. It was fun meeting all his friends. I’m looking forward to many more field trips.

Yellow Pine Trail

Hiking season has started! Our first hike of the year is Yellow Pine Trail off the Mirror Lake Highway.

Paul stopped to take a picture and a butterfly landed on his hand. 🙂

Paul and Eli found snow to throw at each other. One snowball got away!

Trying out Paul’s new GPS. This GPS allows us to send text messages with our location, so if there is ever a problem we can get help and it will send a picture of a map with our exact location. We sent a few test texts to Paul’s father to try it out. This will be a fun tool this summer when we do some backpacking.

A mile up and I gained a 60lb passenger! 🙂 Not too much further, we stopped at a stream and turned around.

Back at the bottom of the trail, we jumped into the truck and drove further up the road so Paul and Eli could do a little fishing.

On the way home we stopped for lunch. This sounds crazy, but we like to stop at the Kamas food town for lunch. We love the cheesy potato bites in the deli. Not too special, but they are fantastic. Eli gets the mac n’ cheese of course. 🙂

It was nice to be back in the mountains, but the drive was a bit much for a day trip. The next time we come out this way, we need to do some camping, backpacking, OR purchase a house closer to the canyon, Ha!!