My dad had some business on the base so we came with.
On the way in, we saw this huge playground and we had to check it out. Out of all the parks in the valley, this one was the best park. It wasn’t crowded. You can’t get on the base without being military, so we had plenty of park to ourselves.
Another great thing about this park is, it was 100% covered with those triangle canopy covers. Shielded us from the 101′ sun.
They also had these musical instruments to play.
This was the highlight of the park. Something different!
And of course it would’t be an air force base without the fighter jets making their rounds.
Eli LOVED the park. I enjoyed the jets 🙂 He really wants to go back. We will just have to tag along the next time my dad has to go onto the base!
Went for a treat to a fun little shop. Brownies, Brownies, Brownies.
Look at those brownies!
We came home with these two. They were so delicious. We will definitely be back for more!
Time to get our tasty honey that the bees have been diligently making all summer.
Before we can remove the honey super, the top box with all the honey, we need to remove all the bees. The bees need to be pushed down and out of the honey super, and gather into the bottom brood box.
Paul took off the top layer and put on a layer with a maze.
When the bees go into the maze, they can only go one way. Down to the brood box. The maze doesn’t allow them back in to travel back up to the honey super.
The bees eating honey on the queen excluder. Paul took the queen excluder off and replaced it with the maze.
Eli hanging out with the cutest and curious miniature horse! He really wanted to know what Paul was doing and why he couldn’t go any further.
A few days later the maze was removed along with the honey super. The box was heavy and the frames were full. Nice, thick, dark honey. The bees did an excellent job this summer!
A tool is used to scrape off the wax caps.
Fresh honey exposed.
We borrowed our neighbors honey extractor.
Put the frames in the extractor.
Close the lid and give it a spin. The honey spins off the comb and onto the sides of the extractor.
Out comes the fresh honey. The honey goes through a fine strainer to the bottom of the bucket. From the bucket, the honey goes into jars.
Paul and Eli were out of town this weekend, so I had the house to myself. I had so much I wanted to do and so little time 🙂
I started my weekend by doing a good deed. Going through the key drop delivery, Nicholas dropped off take out containers that we didn’t order. After letting Nicholas know, they told us to just keep it. This is a common tale I have told before 🙂
We don’t have any use for these containers, so we gave both boxes to the Asian place next to us. In return, they gave us a free dinner. Vegetarian sushi. Not sure what the yellow and orange vegetables were, but they were sweet and very tasty. Monday when I get back to work, I’m going to run over there and ask them. This is what I’m going to be eating next Friday for dinner!
Saturday morning, I slept in 🙂 Went for a run for the first time in 3 weeks. It was brutal. I couldn’t make it to my water breaks. I had to walk many times! I need to make time to run in the evenings.
That afternoon I ran errands and went shopping. I went to the library, TJmaxx, Eddie Bauer, Loft, Walmart, and Sam’s club. ALL without hearing about some complaint. When I got out of the car I kept looking back thinking I have left something. When I got into the stores, I looked at my hands knowing I wasn’t holding enough, but nope, I had my cell phone and keys. Then I realized I was missing my little boy’s hand!!
When I got home, I went into my sewing room to clean up a bit, and I spotted this! Little Pea’s cat boy car. I sure love a clean house, but I miss my little boy.
That evening, my parents picked me up and we went to Zander’s real estate open house. They were the ones who helped us purchase our property. They had fun family games, live music, and food. I couldn’t resist free, or food, so we went for dinner.
Since we purchased a property through them, I was a VIP 🙂 What did that mean? That meant we could go to VIP room and enjoy the dessert table. Almond crinkle for dessert.
After dinner we met up with Bryan and Shayna…
Shayna’s parents and Mitchell…
…and went to the demolition derby. We purchased tickets for the last row on the top of the bleachers. At first I thought this was a bad idea being so far away, but it turned out to be perfect! We were able to stand without worrying about anyone behind us. The only thing we need to next year is make sure we are closest to the isle. It was nice to get in and out without crawling over everyone.
Fun night. We have plans to do it again next year!
Sunday I made dinners for the week, and got caught up on work stuff. It was an enjoyable weekend, but I miss my two boys. Can’t wait to have them home again!
We turned left onto trail 406 and rove on this trail until the end to the pond.
This was supposed to be a lake, but it was soooo small, we couldn’t call it a lake so we named it the Beaver Pond. I failed to take a picture of the house, but there is an abandoned beaver house to the left.
We set up camp.
Paul and Eli went fishing. No fish in this pond 🙂
This is a beautiful area, but the pine beetles really got to the pine trees this year. A lot of dead around this pond.
That night in the tent we played a few rounds of Spot it! and then we went to bed.
The next morning, we packed up and headed out. Just a short little trip.
Today was the three of us in the kayak and on the paddle board. We paddled across Frye lake to the other side- paddling into the wind. When we reached the other side of the lake, the wind turned and we had to paddle against the wind to get back! I have to say it was some hard work paddling in 6 inch high seas!
I’m walking on water in the middle of the lake. 🙂
During our stay we were watching the lake recede.
Day 1.
Day 7.
The lake was so low it was exposing rocks in the middle of the lake.
We ended every night with PJ Maxx. This is the best photo I could find of our movie nights.
See the wind? Wyoming is known as the windy state to us.
We really enjoyed the last few days and have already made plans to come back next year. With swimsuits 🙂
On our way to the ghost town we found some antelope.
I think this is the first ghost town I have been to.
Not was I was expecting. I was thinking of old buildings, not painted restored buildings. But it was fun to go to see how they lived. Makes me appreciate my hardwood floors and indoor plumbing.
Out of all the towns in Wyoming, this town had perfect cell phone reception. 5 bars. All my text messages came through. I had to put my phone on airplane mode to get back into vacation mode!
Payroll 🙂
I really need to work on my penmanship.
I need this for a suit case. It opens up to drawers. Find things easily instead of rummaging through the suit case trying to find a sock, just open the sock drawer, and there will be the socks!
Panning for gold.
Just before we left we wrote a postcard and sent it to Mormor and Morfar.
Today for our Monday luncheon 🙂 we went to the Lander Bake Shop.
Vegetarian panini for me.
Ricotta cheesecake.
Cinnamon roll. I wasn’t going to get two desserts, but they said they were the best in town. They were pretty good. I would suggest this place for the next Monday luncheon the next time we are in town! 🙂
After lunch I promised Eli some park time. We went to Lander City Park. This was by far the best park I have been to.
Look at this façade. It was so fun to run around in.
Paul’s parents arrived last night. We ate breakfast together and then headed down the mountain to the sinks.
What’s a sink? It’s where the water sinks into the mountain.
The water comes down to the cave and disappears.
The water reappears and comes up to the rise about .25 miles down the road. It takes the water two hours to travel this short distance.
We stood on a platform a few stories up and threw fish food down to the HUGE trout down below. Paul’s parents were really kind to find a few quarters for the fish food. I searched my trailer and all I could find were kroners. Not sure why, we haven’t taken the trailer to Norway 🙂
It was a nice of Paul’s parents to give us a ride back up to our truck. Bonus! We grabbed a few snacks out of their bag on the way up 🙂
Popo Agie campground had a fun bridge to cross.
Paul found a fun tree.
Eli talking back and forth to his grandfather.
Back at camp, Eli wanted to get back into the water.
Paul had his turn on the paddle board.
Paul reminding me of my gondola ride in Italy 🙂
Eli’s turn on the board.
Eli really wanted to swim in the lake. So I helped him off the board, and off he went.
We drove a mile or two down the road to Worthen Meadow Reservoir and hiked up to Stough Creek Lake.
This hike was a ton better than yesterday! Shady and cool. Eli had a great time on this trail.
About a mile up and we came to the lake.
Skipped a few rocks.
Back at camp we took the kayak out.
And the paddle board for the first time. We started on our knees.
Note: Paul and I are not dressed for the water. When I asked Eli to pack some clothes, he came out with his swim suit. He said that was all he needed for the week. Priorities. 🙂
Then on our feet. The paddle board was a lot of fun. We will be dressed for the occasion next time 🙂
Watched a few movies as we drove 5 hours to Sinks Canyon State Park in Wyoming. Where it that? Just outside Lander. Where is Lander? Ha! I thought the same thing! 🙂
We arrived at Frye Lake pretty late. This is what we saw.
Eli didn’t hesitate. He was out playing in the water.
A side note for next year: We arrived Thursday night and we were pretty lucky to find a spot to park the trailer. People started rolling in Friday and left Sunday Afternoon. Monday- Wednesday we had the campground to ourselves.
We got up late the next morning and went for a hike to Popo Agie Falls.
This was the most miserable hike I have been on. Hot. Hot. Hot. No shade. Hiking through desert. Hot. Miserably hot. How hot?? Eli summed it up below.
Eli did stop whining after he saw some lady walking her racoon. Yes, a racoon. He was on a leash and everything. Only in Wyoming.
Up and up and up in the heat. We finally came to a river. So the falls must be close?
Kept going up. Just because there is a nice roaring river, didn’t mean it cooled off.
Finally we came to the water fall in the distance. Little Pea was so relieved to make it to the falls.
Then we kept going and found this fun little bridge.
Kept going and we found some pools to play in. That made a little 6 year old all sorts of happy. He just wanted to take his shoes off and get his feet wet. Before we knew it, he was wet waist down.
Several hikers kept asking if this was the waterfall slide. Slide? What slide? So we had to keep going.
And here is the slide. A huge waterfall. People were climbing to the top and sliding down. Eli wanted us to go down. Thought about it. We capped our insurance and we are at 20%, so why not. Thinking again I thought I would break a hip on the way down, so we passed.
This canyon had some beautiful wild flowers.
On the way back…
The trail guide said it was 1.5 miles to the waterfall. They were way off. 1.89 to the falls. I think 1.5 miles was how the crow flies, 1.89 miles is how the hiker hikes on the trail. 🙂
The falls were well worth the hike. I would definitely go again, but early in the morning.