Bandana bib

I have been invited to a baby shower. For a little girl. Hmm…What do make? I haven’t made anything girly, I only have boys in our house 🙂

I made several bandana bibs for Eli, so why not make one for a girl? It just needs to be pink instead of blue. And flowers instead of trucks. 🙂

I have Roger modeling the finished bandana bib 🙂 Roger looks a little rough, but he is clean. He just came out of the dryer. Roger is loved. 🙂

Modeling the front.

The back.

This is a very simple project. It took me an hour to complete.

Cut two different colored fabrics into 12 inch squares. I made two bibs. One with the hot pink and the other with the lighter pink.

Sew the right sides together leaving an inch or two gap to turn the square inside out. Then sew the hole closed by sewing around the outer edge, about 1/4 inch or so.

Fold the corner of the bib over leaving about an inch to show off the bottom color.

Fold over one more time. This lip is about an inch.

I used pins to hold the rolled edge down. The pin marks is also where I will sew .

I sewed a vertical line down. Just a stitch or two.

I used small snap fasteners.

One for each side.

I didn’t take pictures of putting the fasteners on, but I used a spool of thread inbetween the fabric and the hammer 🙂

As you can see the two fasteners.

Make sure you when you fold over the ends of the bib, you have the two different fasteners facing the right direction so they snap together.


Thanks, Roger!

Friday Favorites

#1 favorite: Eli’s second birthday party. We loved the bouncy house. We are going to definitely do this again next year.

#2 favorite: Family. With all the 5 year old parties, we have seen a lot of family this week. I love them all!

#3 favorite: Fall. I love the cooler temperatures in the day. I could live in 70′ year round! And the colors of fall? I can’t get enough. Love the browns and oranges!

#4 favorite: I love that my little boy leaves his toys around the house. Everywhere I look there are cars. Cars in my cupboards, on tables, on the Island…Everywhere. I love it!

#5 favorite: Eli took Paul for show and tell at school this week. He loves his dad!

The second birthday party

I wasn’t going to run today, because of getting ready for Eli’s second party. So I talked myself into running 1 mile.

Ended with 9.26 miles.

I don’t normally run this route, but I’m glad I did. There were a dozen antelope, out here just grazing in the field. I didn’t take the above picture, but this is what they would have looked like if I went running with my telephoto lens camera. 🙂

And the balloon blowing begins. Last year we did two balloon arches. 240 balloons 🙂 With Eli’s party last Friday, we decided we only had the energy for one arch. So we only blew up 120 balloons.

We started the day with breakfast. Waffles and ice cream with strawberry sauce.

Dinner was vegetable tortellini soup with homemade crusty bread and honey from our hives.

After dinner, we ALL bounced in the bouncy house. There was a basketball hoop in the house so we all played a game.

I even got my parents in the house!

Eli had so much fun!

I had a lot of fun bouncing with my boy!

Eli opened gifts.

Eli requested an ice cream cake. Again, to make things easier, Dairy Queen made the delicious peanut butter cup blizzard ice cream cake. I have never had one of these, and it was REALLY good. Yes, I cut the cake before taking the picture 🙂

After cake, we brought out the virtual reality game. Yes, this is my brother and this is how he acts ALL the time! This is why our Monday lunches are such fun and I look forward to the first of the week!

We are always entertained with these two!

Remember him??

Between the two birthdays, he received a lot of legos. He couldn’t wait to put them together. He is getting pretty good at following the instructions!

Eli really enjoyed his two days of partying! Happy birthday little Pea!!

A new queen is in town and she’s living in a high rise.

The top floor apartment is going to have a queen! That is not all. This 3 floor apartment is becomeing a 4 floor high rise.

Removing the top to check on the queen.

Paul said there are two queen cells. I can only find one in this picture.

That big yellow thing on the edge of the frame is a queen cell. Give it a week and she should emerge!

Since there are two queen cells. The two queens will fight it out and whoever survives will be the new queen.

The four box hive.

Paul had to add a box to the original hive because the hive is growing. We have enough bees that are making honey for themselves, raising their brood, they are running out of space for honey. If we don’t add another box, the bees will leave and find another home.

What do the separate boxes do?

The bottom two boxes with are brood. They raise their young bees here. They have honey on the outside frames for food for them and their brood is in the frames in the middle of the box.

The block above the second box is the queen excluder so the queen can’t go up there and lay eggs. Only the worker bees can go up there.

The third box (above the queen excluder) is a honey box. For us! Mmmm….tasty honey for us!

The top box, the new addition, is the new queen’s apartment.

Back of the high rise. This little hive is doing well!

Friday Favorites

The first favorite of this week is planning this little boy’s birthday party. I can’t believe he is 5 years old!

It feels like yesterday we were sealed as a family.

I’m so grateful I have the opportunity to be this little boy’s mother. He is the light of our world. He keeps us laughing every day!

My last favorite is getting away with family. We needed a few days without cell signal -except for locking us out of the trailer, I could have used a phone 🙂

How do you break into a trailer?

This was just fabulous. I managed to lock the trailer keys in the trailer. The truck keys were on the same ring as the trailer keys. No cell phone service. We were stuck.

This is Paul trying to pick the lock with a piece of wood. Yeah, that didn’t work. I walked around the trailer and found that Paul didn’t lock the basement.

Hallelujah! We had a way in. But now what?…

We had to crawl up that little hole. Paul and I won’t fit, but our little Pea would! 🙂

We had to talk him into climbing in. After he would get 1/2 way in, he would crawl back out. He wouldn’t do it. He kept telling us we needed to call the Help Department to help us.

After another talk of needing to be a super hero and save the day, he finally got the courage to climb up and in.

He did it! He crawled through the hole and out the bathroom vanity.

And he opened the door for us!

This is where he crawled out. 🙂

I’m so pleased with my little Pea!

That night he had a plan and had it all worked out to break into the trailer again. We won’t let that happen again. We are headed to Lowes this week to make a spare key!

Day 3 at Mirror Lake

With such a long hike yesterday we stayed at camp and took the kayak out on mirror lake.

Little Pea really enjoyed paddling.

That afternoon, Eli said it was his turn to lead us on a trail today. He picked North Fork Trail. This trail was just a few feet from our campground.

We only went 1/2 mile down. We didn’t want a repeat of yesterday.

We found a pond with lily pads and thought that was a good place to turn around.

Another fun day!

Mirror Lake continued :)

We drove down the mountain to hike Long lake Loop. 2 miles. Well, we thought it was a 2 mile loop 🙂

It was a beautiful day for a hike. We loaded our packs with water, lunch, and snacks.

It has been a very wet year. Saw lots of mushrooms.

Finally! We made it to long lake. It was a 2 mile hike just to the lake!

We ate lunch.

We walked part way around the lake.

Lots of wild flowers up here.

We hiked up to a small waterfall. We decided to turn back and not walk the full lake because…

Eli needed a ride back down.

And another ride 🙂

Our 2 mile loop turned into a 6 mile hike! Eli did VERY well. We had little complaints from him!

No smores tonight, we all went to bed early 🙂

Mirror Lake

Today we drove to Mirror Lake.

We were going to spend a week up here, but since it snowed, we decided to leave a day later.

When we arrived at camp, we were greeted with patches of snow!.

He wanted to save some for later. Into his pocket the snow went 🙂

I need to make a note for next year: They close two of the three sections of the campgrounds on 9/9. Site 69 was the only site big enough for us. So if we want to camp in the other sections- which had trees 🙂 We need to get there a week or two earlier.

Eli LOVED our campsite. Each site had a huge sand pad for tents. Eli thought it was just a huge sandbox. He enjoyed every minute out here digging a driving his trucks.

We walked around the lake.

It’s a beautiful lake. I know why the campground is always full when we have tried to make reservations in the past.

Eli wanted to take our picture. Not bad!

That evening the temperatures dropped and it was quite cold out. Eli had to warm up his patootie. 🙂

We made smores. I like mine like a Norwegian open faced sandwich 🙂 No graham cracker, just chocolate and marshmallow.

This time of the year is just beautiful in the mountains. I’m glad we took the time to get away for a few days.