Crystal Lake

We went for a hike to Crystal lake with some friends.

We had a wonderful time.

Giving a thumbs up with his HUGE walking stick.

Eli picked a wildflower for me. I so love this little boy!

My cute little boy!

Eli and Emilia wanted to build a raft.

It was an easy hike and enjoyed lunch at the beautiful lake.

We had a fun time and will be back to hike a longer hike next year!

Had to run into work today

I had to go into work today so we stopped for a few minutes and ate lunch.

I had to train my employees on how to make ice cream. Of course we had to try one out.

After lunch he helped me with a few things, like balance the till.

When we got home, I had to make cookies. I have been trying to duplicate Mrs. Bakers Bakery icing for the last couple of months.

I think I did it. They are delicious!

Spending time with family

We love every minute when Ferelyn comes out with her family. We try to pack everything we can in only a few days.

Eli loved having his cousins over for a few days a well.

We did a lot of shopping

We went to the zoo.

We went out to breakfast at Ruths diner.

We ate a lot of dinners together. Yes, Paul and I ended up at the kids table… A lot. We didn’t mind.

Went out to lunch every day.

Rin wanted me to take her picture. Never a dull moment with Eli.

Always a fun time with family.

Oakley Rodeo

The last day of our min vacation.

Breakfast: Eggs, hashbrowns, fruit, and strawberries with clotted cream. Mmmm..very tasty!

We didn’t do anything today except eat 🙂 and watch movies.

That evening we went to the rodeo. We sat on the front row. So much fun!

See how close we were!

Eli had a LOT of fun!

Eli had a lot of fun at the rodeo. We will definitely be back next year.


We continue our mini vacation to Rockport.

We stayed in Riverside campgound. And we will never stay here again. Why??

We thought we were staying in the campground across the lake. Nope.

Further to the dam.


Yup. That is where we stayed. In the dust bowl. Windy, dusty, windy, and windy.

Oh, and the name and description of the campground, riverside? Yeah, that was code for spillway that leads to a river.

Why not go fishing? We are camped here.

While Paul and Eli did a little fishing…

I enjoyed my lunch.

I sure love my little boy.

Strawberry Reservoir

Strawberry reservoir is one of our favorite places to fish. I think it’s because last year, Paul fished out a kokanee salmon and we cooked it up that evening. The best salmon we have ever had.

Enjoying the blue water and clear skies. The last time we were here the Dollar Ridge fire started. The campgroun was only a few miles away from the blaze.

This was last year. We watched the helicopters come and go dipping their buckets in the lake and pouring water over the fire.

The fire department stayed in the same campground with us. Made us feel a little safer 🙂

We enjoyed a relaxing trip on the boat.

We did a little fishing.

We did a little hiking.

We did a LOT of eating 🙂 We are really enjoying our few days off and being together as a family.

Camping out in Heber

My first marathon of the year came quick. I am NOT ready for it. With my foot injury I was only able to train for a month.

Ferelyn and Court said they would run the race with me. I told them it won’t be a good race, but they wanted to come anyway. I’m so glad they wanted to run because I am so nervous to run with my foot.

I picked up all our bibs.

Since the race was up in Heber, we decided to pull the trailer and get away for a few days and do some camping, hiking, and boating.

We pulled into our camping spot. We stayed in Lodgepole campground. This campground was about 10 miles from the starting line. It was nice to be so close so we didn’t have too far to drive to get to the race tomorrow. We have to be at the buses by 4:30am so they can bus us up to the top of the mountain.

Ferelyn and Court are staying at moms house. They have an hour drive tomorrow and then they have to get me! It was so nice of them to let Paul and Eli sleep.

We had fun walking around the campground.

I love my little boy.

This campground was very pretty. Very green and VERY buggy.

Very nervous for tomorrow! Hopefully I can get a few hours sleep!

Another store sold

This is a bitter sweet day. I really liked this store. It was cute and easy to run. The employees were great and I will really miss them.

This will be the last time I get work done in this store. I had to have my celebratory cookie and complimentary milk out of the bottle case 🙂

I am sad. Eli had fun helping employees prep. He also LOVED doing the dishes. He loved to spray the sprayer in the 3 compartment sink.

This will be Eli’s last time making a sandwich for himself. Well, at this store. We do still have our large store…

As part of the celebration, we went out to dinner. Cucumber and avocado Sushi with some white creamy sauce and eel sauce.

I went to my favorite bakery. Mrs. Bakers and picked up a tasty cake to celebrate.

With all the good and bad that came with running 5 stores, it feels pretty good to sell. It’s time to be a full time stay at home mom.

Area manager gets stuck

Went for a long run today. Well, if you call it a long run.

I don’t know how I’m going to be ready for these marathons this year. My foot just isn’t cooperating.

I had to go to one of the stores to get a few things done today. It’s a good thing I did. 🙂

Just before I left I received a phone call from my area manager. He said he was locked in the bathroom. I told him to unlock the door 🙂 He said he tried that, but the door still wouldn’t open. So I walked down the hall and tried pulling on the knob. Yup. Stuck.

My dad didn’t believe me that it was stuck 🙂

It’s a good thing my parents came to the store with me. My dad had his toolbox with him. He doesn’t go to any of the stores without it.

He removed the door knob.

“Hi, Dylan!”

Well, I thought it was funny.