Air Show

We finally made it to the air show! The last time they had a show one of our Quarry Bend employees refused to come to work so I had to work for him and missed the show. Fast forward through the every other year they put on a show, the COVID years, and finally the time has come to see the show and I’m not going to miss it!

We took the front runner to Hill Air Force base and so did the other 500,000 people. We were crammed in there. Paul and I felt like we were back in London on the tube at rush hour! No seating or standing room. No need to hold on to the railing when the train came to a stop because we all held each other up 🙂

Just as we reached the Clearfield station the train conductor told us they were not going to let any more people onto the base because they reached capacity. We we got off the train and walked to the shuttle anyway. We came all this way. I was going to set up my chair and watch the show from afar. Good thing we stayed. After 1/2 hour they opened the base and we headed up there.

This simple trip to the base was an ordeal. We left home at 10:00 am and arrived on the base at 1:00pm! We were pretty tired when we got there.

The wait and craziness with transportation was worth it. We walked onto the base, found some shade, set up our chairs and these two came out!

Dad walked around showing Eli the planes he worked on when he was in the air force.

He talked my dad into purchasing the most expensive airplane.

It was worth it. He loved it!

He followed all the jets in the sky with it.

Finally the Thunderbirds came out!

F-16’s are my favorite planes. I absolutely love them! I remember being on base for family day. Standing next to the tarmac and having that first jet fly over us. It flew so low and so LOUD! I was hooked on these planes.

It was a VERY long day. We left the base at 4:30pm and didn’t get home until 9:00pm, but it was worth it! I sure hope Eli loved it as much as I did 🙂

I Am Lrrr

Lrrr, ruler of the planet Omicron came and slept on our couch for the last 7 days!

Meet our nurse. Eli kept our cups full of water and brought us blankets when we were cold. For seven days he played legos and watched PJ Masks all day long. All. Day. Long.

I love my mug. I had this full of sprite every morning.

Eli: “Can I have Doritos for breakfast?”

Lrrr: “Sure.”

Yeah, don’t mind the bed in the living room. 🙂 The nights were brutal. The days were full of coughing, fevers, chills, extreme sore throats, laryngitis, and nausea, but the nights! Oh, the nights were the worst. Coughing, heavy and cut lungs, and the crazy dreams. I dreaded going to bed at night.

Eli watched TV non stop with us. When we were taking a nap, Eli was watching PJ Masks. He must have watched 4 seasons, all episodes three times.

When we were awake we watched cooking shows together. When I watch these shows, I have my laptop next to me downloading recipes. Eli wanted to do the same so he started transcribing the recipes. Every night, a new episode and a new recipe he wrote. Eli said we are going to gather our recipes, make a recipe book and sell it on Amazon. I love it.

This is Eli taking a shower! Okay, not quite, because I asked him to grab soap and he didn’t. 🙂 But, he is cleaner than he was yesterday.

Paul and I were reminiscing that we have had one flu/ cold a couple of years ago that cough was worse than this Omicron. But this is lasting 7 days. That other rough cold/ flu was about 4 days. Just waiting for Lrrr to leave.

This was a terrible way to start out our summer, but we are now immune for the rest of the summer. Time to enjoy the next few months!


Happy Mother’s day!!

The next morning Eli made me a waffle for my Mother’s Day breakfast. He did a fantastic job and it tasted so good. I was sooo hungry. He also loaded me up with donuts, a cinnamon roll, fruit, and juice. He is such a sweet little boy. Love him so much!

We loaded the car, check out of the hotel and drove to the McConkie Ranch Petroglyphs.

We started at the Upper Main Panel Trail.

I told my parents this would be an easy.8 mile hike. Ha!

My knees started to cry again.

Eli pulled my mom. My dad pushed my mom. Lulu went her own way.

We made it!

My little boy with Luci’s leash in his back pocket. He kept an eye on her the whole weekend.

Discussing with dad why I don’t remember this crazy vertical hike. I remember the petroglyphs being off the side of the road. He said that was in 9 mile canyon, near Helper. Oh… 🙂

I had to take a picture of this chunk of rock that fell.

If I hadn’t run 13 miles and stair stepped 4 miles the day before, this would have been an easy hike. It was steep though. We walked along the cliff to see the petroglyphs.

Another chunk….

And another. You would think this mountain was unstable 🙂

After we climbed down the mountain and back to the car, we talked to a Vernal resident. She said she ran the Dino half many times and it was a challenging race and the race description hides the difficulty. Yes! Thank you!! I now had confirmation that this race was challenging. 🙂

She also said the hike to the Three Kings is a nice hike. Not long. Just 1.3 miles round trip. I just couldn’t do it. I’m ready for the 4 hour car ride home with my slippers.

Since I have talked myself into running the Dino half again, we will do the three kings hike then. We will also have to bring binoculars to see the three kings as well.

Monday Luncheon

Today’s lunch we went to Sergio’s. A new pizza place that just opened.

I should have taken a picture, but I didn’t document this lunch very well. When you walk in, you stand in front of all the premade pizzas. They don’t look very good, because they are cold. When you pick out your slice (huge slice) of pizza, they warm it in their oven.

I didn’t get a picture of our pizza, but Eli chose the cheese pizza with garlic knots. Ours was okay, the knots were really good. The picture above is dad’s pizza of chicken and broccoli. It was good.

Aaron purchased a bunch of knots with sauce for all of us to eat. They were really good. I would go back for just the knots.

The dessert, not so much. I had a cannoli. First of all, this was a very tiny cannoli. I cut off one end and gave it to Eli. Mom wanted a piece, so I cut the other end and gave it to her. That left the middle for me. NO cream in the middle. Just crust. Not too impressed. Won’t be back for those.

Always fun on Monday!

April Fools

Started the day out right.

Yesterday was April Fools. Today Eli got the hang of it 🙂 I asked him to make his bed. I went in and saw this. An unmade bed. I asked him to make his bed. Eli laughed and said, “April fools!” What??

He made his bed inside out 🙂

Eli made his own breakfast this morning.

He gave me my annual bunch of blossoms. Or, popcorn from the apricot tree! 🙂

Snow! On my tulips. Spring is on its way!

The Wind is Out of Control!

This is all I could do today. The winds were so strong.

Alexa said the winds were 24.2 mph!

I came home and ate breakfast with the village people.

I cleaned up a glow stick mess. This is a picture with the lights off. With the lights on? Nothing. Clean. Off? Glowing 🙂 Even the towel I was using to clean it up was glowing, ha!

Eli’s friend came over to play. They are playing Luigi’s mansion.

They got scared 🙂 I love it!

I love that I find Eli’s toys everywhere. I am blessed that I have a dump truck parked in my flower bed.

This is what we hear while Eli is brushing his teeth. He is always singing. By the time I could find my phone to record, I missed the best part. And yes. I cleaned the dirty door frame. I’m blessed that I get to clean a door frame as well! 🙂

Oh, that boy makes me laugh!

Lazy-ish Saturday

I woke up early to run. 16′!

My first long run of the year.

When I got home, Paul wanted to go for a short hike.

We found snow.

When we got home from our hike I got busy cleaning the house. I then walked in on these two! So, I jumped in with them! We watched…I mean, Eli watched a movie while Paul and I napped next to him.

I love these lazy days.

What Happened in February?

Paul and I went to another cooking class at Siragusa’s.

Tasty as always. Today was vegetarian lasagna roll ups.

I have vertigo. Again. Dad has been taking us to school for the last week. It’s been kind of fun having him drive for us, but I would like to drive with him without the misery of vertigo. Eli took this picture. He captured Lulu perfectly.

We met up with the builder and the architect at the property. It was pretty fun to drive up to our future house and have 2 feet of snow.

Eli loved it. After leaving the property we were pretty excited to get this project started.

Eli had a few days off school so we did quite a bit of shopping. I know we have been to too many stores when I turn to find Eli acting like a mannequin. Look at his feet and facial expression. He has this acting thing down!

I wanted to make this bag for some time now. So I quickly sewed it during half time while watching the Super Bowl. I need to finish the face, but not bad for 1/2 hour of work.

February flew by. March 1, I will buckle down and start training for the up coming marathon.

Paul’s Birthday

This is why I haven’t been running…

It’s been freezing out. Yes, I do have long johns to wear under my clothes when I run, but I don’t have any desire to get out and run. I’m so not going to be ready for our first marathon in May.

We celebrated Paul’s birthday today and went out to breakfast. Sills Café.

This is a normal sized plate. The scone is huge! They are known for their scones, so we had to try one and they are wonderful!

The cinnamon roll was 3 inches tall and barely fit on the plate. The cinnamon roll wasn’t that good. I would skip this one next time.

When we ordered three desserts we didn’t know they were going to feed the table, plus the tables next to us. This one is the apple fritter. Out of the three desserts we tried, this one was excellent! I would stand in the parking lot for another hour to have one of these.

Oh, the rest of our breakfast was really good as well. We will split plates next time. We had a lot of wasted food. The portions were huge!

After breakfast we took Eli to Little Beakers. A real science lab for kids.

We were there for about an hour and Eli did four experiments. He did the classic mentos in soda, made a tornado in a bottle, and another one I can’t remember. I guess it wasn’t that great if I can’t remember it.

The last one was kind of fun. He made snow.

This was a cute place. I think this summer when it’s so hot out, when we need something to do indoors, we will come back here and try out the other experiments.